12| Wait...WHAT?!

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Midoriya and Bakugou hate each other. The whole class knows that, all the teachers know that. They don't know their past together, except that they grew up and fell apart at some point which in the end formed a weird rivalry between them. The class was never sure about what those two would do if they are left alone, so they try not to.

Izuku and Katsuki do truly hate each other, for the most part at least. They both still sometimes think back to the promises or secret codes they made. One was a communication code that Katsuki sometimes uses to get the nerd's opinion silently on something. What sometimes seemed like pointless angry and anxious tapping from the two (or sometimes looked like a competition on who taps the pencil on the desk the faster) was something similar to morse code Katsuki made up with Izuku's big brain to help (not the other way round, no definitely not).

Izuku and Katsuki had also code words or phrase that, if spoken, sometimes means that the other must leave the room immediately to avoid suspicion or act a certain way. Do you think that 'worthless' and 'useless' were random words in random order spoken? Of course not, they were both smarter than that. It was a save tactic (also back in middle school since Katsuki didn't want to be seen with Izuku. He realised halfway through second middle school that bullying was wrong but kept going so that Izuku wouldn't be targeted more by others because Katsuki laid off) because even the best heroes still didn't figure out that there was any code between those two.

Sometimes the code was used to reassure each other (Izuku often had harsh relapses into depression or panic attacks and Katsuki helped him) or to make a silent plan about something. Or simply said- cheating. Not in important tests, but impromptu tests, because Izuku Midoriya was not as sweet and kind as he seemed. Katsuki knew that, they grew up together for fuck's sake!

They also had a secret language that they developed in case someone was kidnapped without the others knowledge. They developed it before Katsuki left Izuku and reviewed it over one holiday after Katsuki realised his wrongdoings. (The 'Don't come...Deku' after Katsuki was kidnapped was secret code for 'find another way' (it was the tone))

There was however one line of code that they never used (never had to). The line meant that you had to drop the act right now because something was very wrong and the whole world is on the line kinda stuff. So in other words: the worst possible emergency that could ever happen. They both agreed that it should (preferably) never be spoken, but both still remembered it and reviewed it.

It could sometimes mean that the person who said it was dying or in grave danger or that someone else was in grave danger and they needed backup or help. They both hoped that it never came to that. Unfortunately, with Izuku's luck, they both knew it was bound to happen at one point.

So when Izuku called in the middle of class (Katsuki never muted his phone when it came to Izuku and the other way round) on Izuku's sick day nonetheless, right before he texted the words 'buy me some soy sauce, too.' of course, he instantly answered it. That was the emergency phrase after all.

"Bakugou, turn your phone off immediately!", Aizawa bellowed, annoyed already. Katsuki ignored him completely, seeing that it was Izuku and it meant big trouble. He hoped that it was just a coincidence, but still initiated the code.

"Hey, Zuku.", answered. This means that he requested the code and if Izuku didn't answer differently than 'Kaachan', it meant trouble. The whole class stared at him, not knowing who 'Zuku' is.

"H-Hey Kaachan!", Izuku stammered enthusiastically but Katsuki paled. This was not good. He instantly turned to a new page in his notebook and a pencil, ready to translate the code.

"I- Uhm, I was-", Izuku stammered and Katsuki jumped in. Katsuki knew that he was looking for confirmation. When talking over the phone, Izuku was calm and there was no stutter unless you surprised him. With Katsuki he could be himself (that snarky, sassy ass) unless Katsuki answered the phone with 'what the hell nerd!'.

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now