19| Kaminari

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Denki had many suspicions, like that Mina is lesbian, Todoroki is gay just to spite his father and that Nezu is trying to take over the world- he's getting off track. Point is, he had suspicions. One of these was that Bakugou bullies Midoriya. (This is totally not biased because he has a crush on the broccoli boy-)

He's not proud that the only reason he joined the 'Bakusquad' is to protect Midoriya from Bakugou, by trying to distract the pomeranian before they fight again. He knows that Bakugou is naturally violent - has to be because of his quirk - but there is just that feeling that something isn't right in their 'rivalry'.

(seriously, why doesn't Aizawa do anything? He's a pro hero for god sakes-)

Denki's suspicion led him to follow Bakugou and Midoriya around a couple of times. Like now.

"You shitty Nerd! You should just die as I told you to! You don't deserve to be at UA, I bet they are all gonna kick you out at the end of the year!", Bakugou shouted at Midoriya from around the corner and Denki had finally enough.

He sprinted around the corner towards the two and punched Bakugou in the face, similar as to how Midoriya did it at the Final exams.

"Fuck off, you Bully! I've had enough of you, wait 'til everyone hears about this you asshole!", he screamed at the shocked Bakugou on the ground, who was holding his cheek and his face showing clear confusion, which quickly turned into realization and anger.

Denki quickly grabbed Midoriya and just ran out of the school towards the dorms before Bakugou could recover. Running into his dorm room and shutting the door as well as locking it after Midoriya came in.

That's when he noticed the state Midoriya was in. He was kind of dissociating and had this far-away look, so Denki sat him down on his bed carefully before trying to snap him out of it.

"Midoriya?", he asked and received only a small whimper.

"Izuku?", he tried and this time you could see a clear reaction. Midoriya started blinking faster and looked around the room before his eyes laid on Denki and he visibly relaxed.

"Are you feeling better? Can I touch you?", the electric boy asked. Midoriya nodded and after a slight hesitation, nodded a second time. So, Denki moved in slowly and wrapped his arms around Midoriya, who after a few seconds, melted into the touch.

"Midoriya, I-", Denki started before he got cut off by the greenette.

"I-Izuku. Y-you can ca-call m-me I-Izuku.", the boy spoke into his shirt. Denki gave a hum before replying.

"Then you can call me Denki.", the blonde felt as the other boy nodded slightly before continuing where he left of.

"Now, Izuku, I know that you probably don't want to talk about it, but I need to know what Bakubitch did to you.", Denki pleaded and he felt Izuku stiffen and tense again, ready to defend Bakugou, but he cut him off before he could start.

"Don't lie, I know that he is bullying you and using his anger from his quirk as an excuse. You also are more jumpy, tense and on edge more around him. After everything we've experienced, someone was bound to notice and that someone was me.", Denki explained. He waited for an answer but not a sound came from the boy next to him.

"Please Izuku, you don't even have to tell me the whole story or other characters playing a role in it. Just tell me what Bakubitch did. Drop the facade, I can't help you if you won't let me.", Denki pleaded.

"He tormented me since I was 4 and everyone always took his side, why should I believe you?", Izuku snapped back, silent tears already streaming down his face. Denki got whiplash from the sudden change in Izuku, but quickly got himself together.

"I helped you, didn't I?", Denki replied in a smooth voice. Izuku pulled away from his face from Denki's shirt and looked at his face, searching for something. Slowly, Izuku exhaled before nodding and straightening up in Denki's arm, not relaxing, but also less tense than before. He choked a bit on his spit before beginning.

"K-Kaachan used to call me m-mean names w-when we were little and he got his q-quirk.", Izuku started and Denki listened intently.

"When i-it came out that I didn't have one he got the whole kindergarten, e-even the teachers to turn on me and t-treat me less. It was so easy for h-him to that since he had s-such a 'perfect quirk for h-heroics'.", Izuku quoted with his fingers quickly before wrapping them around Denki again.

"That went on till p-preschool and lower school where I-I had no friends, the teachers pulled my g-grade constantly down since I o-obviously 'cheated' and that's when the s-small kicks and pushes s-started.", Izuku took a shaky breath, tears streaming down his face and memories flashing before his eyes.

"In my l-last year of lower school s-someone pushed me off the stairs in front of a t-teacher and when she didn't d-do anything, that's when t-they started to beat me up and u-use their quirk on me, K-Katsuki did it the most.", the greenette explained and Denki was livid. How could they?!

"The suicide b-baiting started around the s-second year of middle school w-when Kastuki wasn't around or a teacher for t-that matter. Then with the teacher and in third grade, e-even Bakugou gave me one himself. A-After that, it just got worse with s-suicide-baiting, like spider lily flowers.", Izuku chuckled humourless, "They had gotten c-creative by the end of the school y-year."

Denki was shocked before rage-filled every fibre being of him.


Izuku passed out in Denki's room from exhaustion and the emotional stress when Denki came downstairs to get himself some water from the kitchen. To get to the kitchen he had to walk through the common room where most of the class was watching a movie. Mina jumped up when she saw him and paused the movie.

"Hey, Kami! you wanna watch the movie, since your apart of the Bakusquad you can sit with us!", she exclaimed. The class saw as Kaminari's carefree person switched to a furious one.

"I don't want to be associated with the Bakusquad, specifically Bakugou, anymore.", despite the anger he was feeling, his tone was kept carefully void of any emotion. The whole class was now listening in on the conversation.

"Whhhyyyyyy?!", Mina whined, Bakugou just growled while the rest of the Bakusquad just gasped in horror.

"Bakugou is a bully and an abuser.", Kaminari stated simply and the class gasped again. Bakugou had anger issues, yes, but abuse? To who?

"Huh?! What the fuck dunce face?!", Bakugou roared angrily. Denki's eyes landed on him and the pomeranian stopped moving from the sheer hatred seeping of him.

"You told Izuku to kill himself in Middle school thousands of times, just because he was quirkless at the time and wanted to be your friend again!", the electric boy exclaimed. The class was shocked completely silent and Aizawa froze at the door, shocked by the reveal. You could hear Bakugou saying a light 'shit'.

"He showed me the scars that you gave him with your quirk.", Denki told the other blond.

"Midoriya does not have scars!", Iida exclaimed, looking through the 'lie'.

"Concealer exist. Hero proof concealer.", Denki stated before walking into the kitchen and coming out again with a glass of water.

"I noticed something wrong and I did something against it, while you just wrote it off as some stupid 'rivalry', just because the almighty All Might suggested that. All Might knows nothing about kids and is blind to signs of abuse and bullying.", Denki spoke to the whole class before leaving the common room towards his room with the two glasses of water in hand.


This was inspired by that one TikTok I can't remember.

I hope that you enjoyed this One-Shot. Feel free to leave a suggestion of what I should do next in the comments, I love reading and answering them!

Stay healthy and keep safe!
~ Flame

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