24| Miruko

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This time, when the polls were put up after the Sports Festival, Class 2-A was not surprised that Midoriya had the highest amount of requests. In fact, most of Class 2-A - apart from the people who wanted to be Underground Heroes (they didn't participate this year, courtesy of Midoriya giving Nezu feedback during their private lessons) - had at least 100 votes, which was a drastic contrast to the scores in their first year of UA.

The moment everyone had gotten their lists, they all turned to Midoriya. They had discovered a week before the second Sports Festival how good that boy was with analysis and therefore he had become the class' main analyst. (No, not Bakugo)

Izuku still flinched at the attention.

While he had increased his confidence over the year, it still wasn't the best. The green-haired boy sighed and began to call out his classmates' seat numbers randomly. Whoever was called would go up to him and give Izuku his list, which the boy would look through and circle the best options for the person. Then the next person would go up and so on.

This continued throughout lunch and also when the class returned to the dorms, at the end of the day, Izuku was exhausted and didn't bother to do himself.

Imagine his shock when he saw that Miruko had sent him a request the next day.


Izuku was currently waiting at the station with his friends for his train to arrive. While Miruko does not have her own agency building, because she tends to travel a lot and alone, she would stay for the duration of the internship in one place. Izuku was really excited, even if a bit nervous. 

Because, of course, he had picked Miruko. She could not only help him with his Shoot style but also with his confidence! She was the perfect option, not to mention she is the Number 5 Hero! (He quietly ignored Endeavor's request)

Izuku had done plenty of research on her, especially her personality and her way of handling things so that he was prepared for everything she threw at him. (He knew that it was practically impossible to be prepared for everything, but he did for everything he could think of) And that is what intimidated him so much.

Miruko was a mix of Tsuyu, Bakugou, and himself. Brash as Bakugou (especially because she doesn't like teamwork), speaks her mind like Tsuyu but her drive is like Izuku's. That last part had calmed him down majorly because he can understand how she keeps fighting through the pain not for her life, but for the life of others.

So, he was balancing between excitement and nervousness.

When his train arrived, Izuku bid his friends goodbye and wished them luck on their internships, making his way onto the train. It was going to be a decently long ride, so he had some time to kill.


He Miruko the moment he stepped out of the station, standing on a rooftop. (After Kaa- Bakugou's advice his eyes always went there first)

The moment Miruko noticed her Student for the week, she waved for him to come to the rooftop. Izuku did so by going into a secluded alleyway and using his quirk to jump up. (After Stain he used alleyways more often)

Once Izuku was standing opposite Miruko, the rabbit hero grinned and jumped away.

"Catch me if you can!", she yelled and Izuku was instantly chasing her through the city.


Rumi Usagiyama had noticed how the green bean of a student had improved drastically since the first year sports festival. She had also noticed how he relied on kicks and using his feet. (His arms were injured one too many times)

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