14| Entrance Exam results

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Izuku is nervous.


Let me rephrase, Izuku is beyond nervous and bordering on passing out. After 1 week of pure hell while waiting for the letter from UA to come, Izuku is now sitting in the living room couch with his mother and the letter in front of him, too nervous to open it.

"I can't open it, mom! What- what if I failed? I failed, didn't I?", Izuku's nerves were getting the best of him and he just couldn't bring himself to open the letter, so his mother took the initiative and ripped it open.


Izuku couldn't believe it. He got accepted! ACCEPTED!! His mother is fussing about how great that is and how proud she is. (He doesn't think about the fact that she never said the words 'I'm proud of you' before)

"Izuku! Do you see that? Katsuki got first place on only villain points! Mitsuki must be so proud! I'll call her and see if we can invite them over to celebrate together, he got first place and you got into the top 10!", Inko exclaimed and makes her way over to the phone. Izuku's heart drops. 'Just like that...?', he thinks, 'Just like that you move on, because you are prouder of Katsuki than of me...'

Izuku is usually a selfless person, so normally he wouldn't care that it is about Katsuki again. Keywords: usually and normally. He thought that maybe when he got accepted into UA, his mother would focus on him for once. He just wanted to be selfish one time. How is it that Kaachan gets all the attention again?

Izuku doesn't notice that something changed within him until later that night when he lies in bed. He can't fall asleep because 1) Insomnia 2) Nightmares and 3) Revenge.

Izuku never had the desire to get revenge on Kaa- Kats- Bakugou. Truly, never. His mind already had many ideas on how to get revenge on Bakugou, but he doesn't want to do it, because Bakugou would be an amazing hero and Izuku wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of being in the way of his awesome career.


He sounded like Bakugou right now. Or what Bakugou always said to him. I guess hearing the same thing for 10 years changed his opinion a bit, did it? Izuku wasn't sure and what does Izuku do when he isn't sure? He researches.

So Izuku gets up quietly and moves to his desk where his computer is and turns it on. He goes to google and types in 'Why do I want revenge?'

The first thing that pops up is this: 'People are motivated to seek revenge — to harm someone who has harmed them — when they feel attacked, mistreated or socially rejected.'


Izuku researches further and further until it is already 2:47 AM, where he made a choice. Now, usually, when you make a choice at 3 AM, you will regret it in the morning or you can still reverse it before a catastrophe happens. Not this choice, not this choice that Izuku made.

Izuku decided to hack into his school and get all the evidence of Bakugou bullying him from the school cameras (like seriously the school has that filmed how stupid are they? If it gonna discriminate someone make sure all the evidence is gone at least).

What did he do with the evidence?

He sent it to Nezu. Yes, you heard right, Izuku decided that the was the best way to deal with Bakugou was to let the teachers of his new school decide what to do with him. Izuku had no idea how he got Nezu's email, but he had it and so he formulated an email with the evidence of the cameras attached stating the following.

'I saw that Bakugou was first in the entrance exam and after many hours of staying up late and thinking about it, I decided to finally do something against his 10 years of him bullying me. It's your choice what to do with him but I just wanted to let you know that that's all he did to me and - if I hadn't stepped in - all the other kids that I have protected from him. The evidence was gathered by hacking into my school cameras and I'm aware that this won't work in court, so I decided to just make sure you know of his doings. If you want to expel me for just telling you or showing you something you didn't want to see, I'm fine with that as well.'

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now