25| Hound Dog

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Izuku would be the first to tell you that he has issues. It's pretty clear that flinching and cowering all the time is not normal (not that his UA teachers or students think so because nobody even tried to talk to him about that or ask if he's okay-).

So yeah, Izuku knows that it isn't healthy or normal for that matter, not that he could talk to anyone about it.

("Stop lying you quirkless brat!")

("Izuku, just because Katsuki has a quirk and you don't does not mean you can tell us lies about him.")

("Leave me alone, you quirkless mistake!")

("Surely you must be lying young man,-")

("I do not think it is that extreme, stop being overdramatic!")

("Izuku, baby, Kastuki-kun would never do that.")

("Young Midoriya, perhaps you should try and talk to young Bakugou. I'll see that there will be more opportunities for it in class.")

Izuku shuddered as he remembered the number of times people told him that he was lying. (He won't talk about how the one from All Might and his mom hurt the most-)

There was one person, though, that Izuku remembered reaching out to him. Hound Dog, the school's counsellor. While Izuku thinks that the man is simply doing his job, he was still the only person (animal?) to reach out to him.


Izuku was heading towards the dorms, passing the counsellors office since he had to take a detour when the door to said office opened and Hound Dog stepped out. The hero was firstly stumped at seeing Izuku here since not many people take this route when walking out of the school, but it was ideal none the less.

"Ah Midoriya, just the person I wanted to see, woof. Do you have a minute?", the dog? wolf? asked. Izuku, always happy to listen and help said yes, of course, turning around to face the hero properly. Hound Dog smiled- actually it was pretty hard to make out what exactly the hero was doing and Izuku didn't want to assume or anything, but he was pretty sure it was meant to be a smile.

"Thank you, woof. I had noticed some concerning behaviour during our brief interactions and I would like you to know that my door is always open and if not, I'd be happy to provide an outside therapist. There is no shame -woof- in getting help, as your mental health is just as important as your physical one-", Izuku wasn't sure that he even looked after his physical health but never mind that, "- and you have every right to get help from a licenced professional, woof.", Hound Dog finished.

"Oh, um. Sure- I- That's-", Izuku sighed, closing his eye for a brief moment and shoulders slumping, before looking back up to the hero, "Thank you."

"Of course, woof. Have a nice rest of the day, Midoriya.", Hound Dog responded, not even mentioning or reacting to the stuttering. Izuku smiled at the man again before reciprocating the statement and then making his way back to the dorms.


That was roughly 3 months ago. Now, Izuku was nervous. He had barely gotten any sleep (not that that was anything new, insomnia was truly a bitch) and spend nearly the whole night researching the same topic again and again (for the 4th time since UA): Therapy. Why? He had finally decided to come and see Hound Dog. He had decided to get help. (He had a quirk now, he was worthy of it-)

Taking a deep breath to collect himself, Izuku raised his hand and knocked at the office. He knew that Hound Dog was free for the rest of the day through observation, so nobody would know that he was here and Izuku will make sure that it stays that way. (He would tell the hero not to mention anything to anyone until he had been given Izuku's permission, the boy knew that he could do that)

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