2| Panic Attack

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'Today is going to be a bad day', Izuku thought as he stumbled out of bed because everything in him screamed at him to go back to bed, to call in sick or to just not go to school today. He wasn't tired because he didn't sleep enough, oh no he never slept enough due to his insomnia, it was one of those days where he could be easily triggered and just any little thing would send him spiralling down his anxiety and panic lane. He just hoped no one would notice it too much.

Class 1-A instantly noticed that something was wrong with their resident Cinnamon roll. Of course, they would notice. Too many villain attacks happened for them not to notice. So, after a silent conversation, Uraraka and Iida went up to Izuku to ask him what was wrong.

"Deku?", Uraraka asked gently and Izuku just couldn't help but flinch at the name. On bad days he just couldn't help but think of the evil in the name and someone calling him that just made his mood worse.

Iida noticed the flinch, hell the whole class noticed. It was a big flinch and the class was actively watching him like a hawk for any indications of what was wrong. Not many people knew of the origin of the name, so only Uraraka and Iida made the small connection.

"Izuku?", Uraraka tried again and watched with relief as the tension from Izuku's shoulders lessened. Okay, so only Izuku or Midoriya today then.

"Ah, yes Ochaco?", Izuku lifted his head slightly and gave a small tired smile.

"You look so down today and Tenya and I were wondering what was wrong.", Uraraka explained calmly and Izuku sighed. Of course, they would notice and he was kinda grateful for it. Izuku gave them both another tired smile.

"Ah, don't worry about me! I just didn't get enough sleep so I'm just very tired, nothing to worry about!", Izuku exclaimed and gave one of his sunshine smiles as if his energy was slowly returning.

"Very well then, Izuku. Just remember to get extra rest this night! A good sleeping schedule and sleep are important for a hero-in-training!", Iida slightly scolded with his normal arm chopping motions. The class was relieved to hear that it was nothing too bad and that their Cinnamon roll of a classmate would be fine, even if some wondered why he didn't sleep very well.

After that, the rest of the classes resumed normal and even Bakugou left Izuku alone, much to everyone's surprise. That is, of course, before their Hero training. It was nothing unusual that they had to work on, just some more quirk development and applications since it was Friday and anything new they would likely have to go over on Monday again.

Except that nothing was as normal. Aizawa instantly noticed in homeroom that something was up with Midoriya and listening in on his conversation with Iida and Uraraka eased his worries a bit, but not enough. So he always made sure to keep an eye on Midoriya while they were training and what he noticed only added to his worries. Every time specifically Bakugou let out an explosion, no matter how big, Midoriya would flinch.

Izuku wasn't doing so good. They were working on quirks today and while he was grateful for one of the simpler lessons, he also hated how he had to keep himself from panicking every time he heard Kaachan's explosions. The flinch was inevitable so the only thing he could do is to not panic and fall into an attack. It helped that the explosions were far away from him so that he could remind himself that it wasn't directed at him.

Izuku's mouth was really dry, so he did something stupid to get his water bottle. He got closer to Kaachan, who still didn't notice him but that was okay. Just as he was about to reach for his water bottle, a large explosion echoed through the area and he just couldn't stop himself this time. The explosion was so so close and he was gonna be beaten up again-

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now