13| Vigilante Izuku

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There is a reason Bakugou called Izuku 'nerd'. It was not just to mock his analysis but in general, Izuku was smart. He just hid it to not make himself a bigger target at school. Izuku knew that without training he wouldn't go anywhere in life, especially quirkless, so he started going to gymnastics when he was 7. By the time he was 12, he could move like he had no spine (very helpful with evading some punches and countering them).

Unfortunately, Inko Midoriya tried to discourage her 'baby' from doing hero work (he was quirkless), so he made up the excuse that he just liked gymnastics and not because it helped him be a hero. Unfortunately, Izuku wasn't able to convince her to get him even self-defence classes. Izuku found a way around it of course, by watching youtube videos of all types of martial arts and trying to recreate them in his room, but it still sucked.

Izuku was smart. He knew that his analysis was dangerous (he had it demonstrated to him once), so he encrypted them. He didn't just analyse Heroes, no that was just a facade, he could analyse anyone, which was pretty scary in a quirk-dependant society. Izuku still wanted to be a hero and he knew that he was prepared enough.

That's why it hurt so much when All Might told him he couldn't be one the moment quirkless left his mouth. Less than the suicide-baiting Bakugou put him under, but it still hurt.

So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Izuku studied support weapons and engineering as an alternate route besides Gen Ed for UA. He knew that thanks to Eraserhead it was possible to be transferred. With his new plan, however, it was not needed anymore for that purpose.

So, for a week Izuku collected parts from Dagobah Beach (and cleaned it as a side project) and build his support gear for his new plan. It was a wonder that Inko didn't discover anything. If Inko noticed some of the All Might poster missing in his room that he sold for some money, she didn't mention it ('It's good that he finally gave up, Hero work is so dangerous-' she probably thought).

He also bought and modified a dark green hoodie and black pants to fit his gear and hide his back-up weapons. (Considering he was 13 it was very impressive)

And so the Vigilante 'Green Shadow' was born.


Tsukauchi had a massive headache. For 6 months now was he going after the Vigilante 'Green Shadow'. He started slow - possible to get a feel for vigilantism and how it works - and slowly increased the number of small-time criminals he captured now being solid 5-30 per night (believe it or not, there are slow nights every now and then). His patrol routes are as random as a random number generator (they are- he has 14 different routes and puts it a number generator before he goes out) and the only thing they know is that on school nights he's out for 2 hours (usually 1 am till 3 am) and on weekend and holidays, he's out for 4 hours (usually 12 am till 4 am), leading the police to believe that he's still in school.

What could possibly lead to a child becoming a vigilante?


It has been 8 months since Izuku started and the first close call with the police happened. It was a very busy night, meaning he had to avoid the police multiple times already, when he was shot - which itself was nothing new, he has been shot already multiple times on the 'Job' and Bakugou helped with the pain tolerance. The concerning thing was that the police arrived after he knocked the criminal out and before he could make an escape.

His smoke bombs were easy to reach, usually but he had been shot in his upper left arm (thankfully the bullet went through and didn't get stuck, those were always a pain to remove), so he could reach them with great pain.

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