16| Pro Hero Deku

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An outskirt of a city is shown before the screen pans out to show two chairs in front of each other with a small table in the middle, on top of which sat two glasses of water. One of the chairs is already occupied by a woman with black hair that fades into a deep and dark red, with black eyes as well as light skin. She wears a white blouse with a black jacket on top of it and some khaki pants. The look is topped off with some black military boots.

Music is heard throughout the whole studio. The woman sitting there is a very famous host, her quirk is unknown, but that doesn't bother anyone because she has a great nose for stories

"Welcome my viewers and listeners to Shinko's late-night show!", the woman - Shinko - exclaimed while throwing her hands up and making the crowd go wild. (Meet me in the BNHA universe)

"Today as always we have a special guest for you. This one is a pro hero and climbing the ranks drastically. Some even say that he is the next number one hero! Welcome to the stage, Pro Hero Deku!!", Shinko announced as she pointed to the end of the stage where Izuku is coming through, resulting in the crowd going wild again.

"This is our number 12 in the Hell Class special!", she added while Izuku made himself comfortable on the chair opposite of Shinko's. He smiled his typical smile, which lit the room up a little bit.

"What a wonderful welcome! Thank you for having me, Miss Shinko.", Izuku greeted her. It was always nice to have a positive welcome, since some of the first 10 years of his life it was anything but positive.

"As polite as ever, Deku! Please, just Shinko or Shin or Koko, you choose!", the host laughed, a little bit embarrassed by his politeness. She was glad however that at least one hero is always polite.

"On the topic for politeness, you seem always to be polite, Deku. How come?", she inquired. Izuku giggled a little bit.

"It gives the villains a certain idea of how wrong they were. If I'm not polite to a villain suddenly, they get very scared.", Shinko and the audience laughed, "Plus, my mother always said that I should be polite.", the green-haired hero (not Froppy) answered. Shinko leaned forward a bit since Deku never really talks about his childhood or family.

"You mentioned your mother, that reminds me that you never really talk about your childhood. How did you grow up? Groud Zero mentioned that you grew up together, was his temper always like that?", Shinko pried, hoping that he would finally tell a good story. She was taken aback when Deku's small smile and positive attitude dropped immediately.

"He was worse. We were childhood friends actually until his quirk came in and mine didn't. Most people already know this, but the reason that I engage in anti-discrimination is because, one, that's how most villains come to be and, two, because I was a unique late-bloomer and was at first falsely diagnosed quirkless." Shinko, as well as the whole studio, went quiet, listening intently to the story.

"My quirk came in when I was 15 on the day of the UA entrance exams because before my body wasn't able to handle the quirk as you could see with me breaking my bones in the first years UA sports festival. The doctor said that it was because my arm would've been ripped off if I had tried it any earlier. After all, I was small or had no muscles. That resulted in me being falsely quirkless for 11 years of my life."

"Many people are very discriminating towards the quirkless, the ones with a 'weak' quirk or 'villainous' quirk", Izuku moved his fingers to emphasis that the quirks were labelled as such and not true, "- which is bullshit. Groud Zero was no exception. The teachers praised him and when he beat me up in school, after school or before school for my dream to become a hero, they put the blame on me to not damage his perfect record. Nothing was done until UA. I always protected the other kids with the 'weak' quirks or 'villainous' quirks since I was a better target, but those also discriminated me as well."

"T-That's horrible! Why would people do that? Ground Zero should've known that what he did was bad! Didn't he want to be a hero?", Shinko replied after a moment of shocked silence.

"Oh yes, before our quirks came in we wanted to be the number 1 hero duo, but when his quirk came he grew arrogant, turned on me and started to bully me as well as isolate me. In my isolation, I turned to my now deadly analysis skills. Again, nothing was done until I got my quirk and came to UA. I'm done with hiding my past just so that Ground Zero can become the second Endeavor.", Izuku explained.

The interview was led in a different direction, but the news and magazines covered this topic the next day. Bakugou (aka Ground Zero) was on his way to becoming number 2 hero when his ratings instantly dropped and so his status to not even being in the top 100. A massive scandal happened and the government was forced to become stricter (as well as the schools and police) and the teachers got a secret test to see if they would discriminate someone. (roughly 47% did, it was horrible and they had been fired)

The schools that Izuku has gone to were shut down and many people started to be less discriminate the quirkless and 'weak' or 'villainous' quirks. It was wonderful and many were thankful for Deku to finally speak the truth since it changed society for the better.


Sorry that it is so short...

I hope that you enjoyed this One-Shot. Feel free to leave a suggestion of what I should do next in the comments, I love reading and answering them!

Stay healthy and keep safe!
~ Flame

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now