6| Hawks

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This is before the Endeavour VS Nomu (episode 25) but after the raid and festival. Midoriya patrols this time with Sir Nighteye himself and is still an intern at the Nighteye agency.

Midoriya was happy to patrol again after everything that happened so far in his internship. At least Eri smiles and is happy. He and Nighteye were currently patrolling in the streets, while Mirio was stuck doing some paperwork. A shiver went down his spine when he remembered the pile he saw at his desk.

As they were patrolling Midoriya tried to keep an eye and ear open from anything. There was a slight change in the air current that he picked up and had just enough time to get Nighteye and any other civilians out of danger. Sometimes he was happy that he was bullied. Only many years of experience of dodging quirks and bullies can give you that skill.

He saw that whoever that was had wings, they were tense, panicked and in a rush. There was also a hint of bloodlust he could pick up on. It was someone with ill intent.

"Sir, we need Hawks on this one. The guy is out for someone or something, judging by his stance. He can fly, and shoot a couple of feathers one at a time, but otherwise has lot control over them.", he gave a brief analysis to Nighteye who relayed the message over his comms. Midoriya was working on bringing the civilians out of near danger and make them step away.

One time he brought his notebook with him to the agency. Nighteye had only one glance at his page (after convincing Midoriya's self-esteem that it was okay) and started focusing on helping him with the analysis. Nighteye was shocked to find out that the kid could tell the whole situation from one glance.

"Sir, are you okay?", Izuku stayed polite and calm with the possible villain.

"Where the fuck is she?!", the villain screamed.

"Sir, please calm down and explain the situation to me. Who are you searching for?" Midoriya tried again. The person ignored him. Izuku could see that he was getting more agitated.

"That bitch! I know that you are here, come out and give me back what's MINEEEE!", the villain screamed and Midoriya sighed in annoyance. Domestic abuse. He powered up 'full cowling' as a small intimidation factor. Lightning started to crack around him. The villain ascended into the air for intimidation and to see the audience better.

"Sir. Please calm down and come down to the ground. Breathe with me and tell me the situation so that I can act accordingly. I need names.", Midoriya tried to shift the focus of the villain on him and tell him the situation as it will calm him down.

However, the villain was stubborn and decided to snarl and stay in the air.

"Why the FUCK should I listen to some pathetic kid?! WHERE ARE YOU, BITCH??!!!!" the villain screamed again and Midoriya sighed again. The villain's eyes focused on a woman in the crowd, holding a small child. Midoriya didn't think, he just poured One for All into his legs and jumping, intersecting the villain as Nighteye moved the crowd more away.

The older hero knew that he currently couldn't do much with his abilities, so he made sure nobody could get injured. He also relayed the actions to Hawks, who can be already seen in the distance.

Midoriya brought the Villain back to the ground. He bit his lip when he felt something sharp going from his lower ribcage to his torso on his left side. He suspected that it would happen when he charged for the villain in the sky, but it was better than a hostage.

It's not like he didn't have other hundreds of scars or an insanely high pain tolerance (if the sports festival was an indication) thanks to the bullies. He got over it quickly. When Izuku's concentration shifted back to the present, was met with a fist that he skillfully dodged last second, thanks to his bulling reflexes.

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