Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight “You’re tearing me apart” - Nobody Compares

The girls arrive at the hospital as soon as they could go, luckily without getting pulled over by the police. Now inside the hospital, the girls rush inside to the secretary who’s positioned in front of a desk on the first floor.

“Hi, we’re here to see Victoria, Victoria Mace” Jay says quickly, as Emma just catches up to them. 

“Second floor, room four” the secretary says after tapping up Victoria’s name on the computer, pointing towards the elevator. The girls are just about to rush over towards the elevator, but the boys of One Direction stops them.

“So you’re the girl’s friends?” Harry asks, looking at each and every one of them.

“Yes, we’re Victoria’s friends” Jay says sassily.

“Sassy, meow!” Louis says, making claws. Everyone looks at him, but Louis just looks around as if he hadn’t done anything.

“Yeah, ok…thanks for saving her” Kristen says to the boys as the girls and her turn around to run towards the elevator.

Up in Victoria’s room, the girls run towards the chair beside the bed and the small two-cusion couch. The girls sit on top of the arm rests and each other as they wait for Victoria to wake up.

Five minutes later, Victoria wakes up.

“Hey guys, can you get my brother Chad to, you know…beat the crap out of Chance?” Victoria says, first thing as she wakes up.

“So you remember?” Emma asks, as she chugs the water bottle she had in hand this whole time.

“How could I forget being beat to my grave?” Victoria asks, making a joke out of this whole situation.

“I’m not trying to be a mom here or anything, but you need to be careful around Chance” Kristen starts “He can make another move at any time, you should report him to the police”.

“You’re right” Victoria says “As soon as I get out of this hell-hole I’ll go straight to the police station”.

“And call your parents” Kelsey adds.

“No! Their out of town and I don’t want them to come back, they deserve a relaxing vacation after all they’ve done for me” Victoria says, thinking about how her parents almost got a divorce because of her and Chad fighting, but when they first mention divorced so Chad and Victoria wouldn’t kill each other, they turned their attitude around.

“Ok…” Jay says, looking around the room.

Soon a nurse and doctor comes in, just to check her blood pressure and all, she’s free to go. Victoria get’s back into her regular clothes, that have blood stains on them and walks out.

“Ew…I feel so gross, I’m throwing these clothes out as soon as possible” Victoria says, walking around as if she’s been drenched in water.

As the girls and Victoria go downstairs to check out, One Direction is still down there waiting.

“You guys didn’t have to wait for her you know” Kelsey says, going over to them.

“We wanted to see if she was ok” Paul explains. The girls and Victoria walk over, Emma whispers something into Victoria’s ear and she nods.

“Thanks for giving me blood” Victoria says going up to Harry “Gosh, that sounds so weird” Victoria makes a disgusted face. Harry and Victoria lock eyes, just like that.

Niall goes over to Emma and whispers “Harry’s got a little crush on her”. Emma bites her lip to keep in a laugh, as does Niall.

Just then Emma and Niall say at the same time “I’m hungry”.

A chorus of ‘We knows’ goes around from the boys and girls.

“Sorry” Emma says, as Niall puts his arms up in defence. They talk for a little while longer, Niall and Emma taking a trip to the cafeteria and back, they all become friends and learned a lot about each other, they exchanged numbers than continued on with their regular lives.

As the girls walk out of the hospital with boys, they go in their separate directions, the girls turn left towards Kristen and Kelsey’s jeep. As they’re walking towards the jeep, she see Chance there, tossing a small rock in the air and catching it.

“Hey baby” Chance says, evilly.

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