Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine “You’ve never loved, your stomach or your thighs” - Little Things

It was about a week until graduation, the girls would finally graduate high school and attend colleges and universities in London, England. Today, the teachers were terribly hard on Emma, telling her how she can be smarter, even when she tried her hardest, and when Melanie…the queen bully Emma couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Oh my god Emma, why are you so fat?” Melanie yells, her ‘crew’ snickering  behind her.

“I-I don’t know” Emma manages to say as she goes onto the verge of tears. It was right after lunch and Emma wanted to use the washroom before class, since in her’s and Kristen’s next class they didn’t allow them to go to the bathroom.

“Can’t you see it? Your thighs are humungous and your stomach is hanging through your shirt!” Melanie smacks right it her face. Emma looks down at her thighs, in her mind they were chubby and large, and her stomach seemed ginormous, like it could explode at any moment. But in reality, she had a flat stomach, and her thighs were average for her body size, which is petit.

Tears start to roll down Emma’s cheeks. Am I really fat? Emma thinks to herself. She’s about to do something she’s only done a few time, vomit. Not just ‘oh, I’m sick’ vomit, the ‘make yourself’ vomit.

She enters the girl’s bathroom, making sure to check all the stalls before making the scene. The coast is clear, Emma picks the stall hidden by the wall, just in case anyone walked in.

Tears still falling from her cheeks, Emma sticks three fingers into her throat, until she starts to gag. She sticks them a little further until her lunch is coming out. Her hotdog, salad, pop, everything comes out. As she continues to repeat the process, she doesn’t hear the bathroom door creak open. Kristen appears, seeing everything.

“Emma, no!” Kristen cries out, running to Emma’s side “Why would you do this?”

“I-I…Melanie, she called me fat” Emma croaks out “I don’t want to be fat”.

“Emma, you’re beautiful, you aren’t fat” Kristen lectures “Even if you were, this isn’t the way to do it, and I don’t want you to change. Is this the first time this has happened?” Kristen’s eyes are glossy with tears.

Emma sadly shakes her head, a few more tears falling.

“Why didn’t you tell us? We can help you” Kristen explains, rubbing her back and pulling her into another big hug.

“I thought y-you wouldn’t want to be m-my friend anymore” Emma hiccups.

“We would always be your friends, no matter what. I’m sure the other girls think the same”.

This time, Emma hugs Kristen, whispering a small I love you into her ear.

“We would always care” a voice says. Emma and Kristen turn to see Victoria, Kelsey and Jay “Please don’t do this to yourself anymore!” Victoria says, rushing to Emma’s side, along with the other girls.

“We love you” the girls say “No matter what”.

“Arg, enough with that old saying, you’re going to drive me crazy!” Emma shouts, forgetting why she made herself throw-up in the first place.

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