Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen “I’m in love with you” - Little Things

So, it’s been two months since the girls have lived in London. And guess what…they’ve fallen head over heels for the boys, and the boys have too, for the girls of course. And, they are all going out, Harry and Victoria have been going out the longest, followed by Louis and Jay, then Liam and Kristen, about two days later after Zayn and Kelsey became an item, but Niall and Emma are just friends, what that really means is Niall hasn’t asked Emma out…yet. But, so far we only know how Harry and Victoria came together, what about the others?

Jay and Louis

It was around the third or fourth date, Jay thought it was just one of the others, but Louis had something special up his sleeve. Louis felt more than those friend feelings, he felt like he may have some boyfriend/girlfriend feelings for Jay, Jay has taken a special spot in Louis’ heart.

“Follow me, love” Louis says, walking ahead of Jay, not wanting to make it completely obvious by holding her hand, but boy did Jay want him to.

They walked until they got to a small deserted park. “Pizza should be here any minute” Louis says, walking up onto the top of the jungle-gym. Him and Jay sat down, criss-cross-applesauce, if you don’t know what that is it’s cross-legged. 

“So, um…how do I say this…” Louis starts off, awkwardly, but the cute awkward.

“How do you say that…the pizza’s here!” Jay shouts, standing up “Race you!” With that, Jay runs down the small kiddy stairs towards the pizza car that’s come to a stop.

Jay ended up beating Louis, but he claimed that he let her win. After paying for the pizza, they went back up to their original spots of the equipment. 

“So, what I was trying to say is…that we have gone on many dates for a while and maybe you would want to, I don’t know, be my girlfriend?” Louis asks, looking around awkwardly “But if you don’t want to you don’t have to”

“Hm…it’s a toughie” Jay begins, looking into Louis’ pleading eyes.

“You got the same name as my mom…” Louis goes on, trying to convince her.

“Louis, it’s easy- yes!” Jay says laughing a little, making Louis give her the duck-face but then tackling her in a hug and kissing her cheek.

“Now, I will officially introduce you as, Jay…my girlfriend” Louis yelps out as he sits beside Jay. They start to hear ‘Hey, that sounds like Louis Tomlinson’. A couple seconds later three teenage girls come up. Before anything else, more and more girls came.

“One, two, three, run!” Louis whispers into Jay’s ear as they hop up and run into a bush.

“Oh my god! Louis the Tommo Tomlinson actually ate this pizza, oh my god!” A high pitched girl says.

“Tommo?” Jay whispers, have a small chuckle. Louis just shrugs his shoulders. 

Kristen and Liam

Kristen and Liam were relaxed on the couch, watching Netflix, right now they were in the middle of 21 Jump Street when Kristen slowly started to fall asleep, when she did, she was in Liam’s lap. Liam started to play with Kristen’s hair as the movie finished. Why can’t you be mine? Liam thinks, just then Kristen begins to wake up.

“Oh, sorry!” Kristen says, as she realizes that she fell asleep in Liam’s lap.

“It’s ok, I was uh…meaning to talk to you about something” Liam manages to say.

“Oh, ok” Kristen mumbles awkwardly.

After moments of thinking it over, Liam finally says “Willyoupleasebemygirlfriend?” 

“What?” Kristen says confused.

“So you don’t?” Liam says sadly.

“I don’t what?”

“You don’t want to be my girlfriend?”

“That’s what you asked?” Kristen says, Liam nods his head in a hopeful manner. “Yes! Out of all answers yes!”

“Yes!” Liam says as he shoots a fist up in the air.

Kelsey and Zayn

They’ve only been on one date, but stayed friends. Zayn was afraid to go on another date with her because it would only make him like her more, but Kelsey really likes him and feels as if Zayn didn’t like her anymore after their date. After giving himself a look talking to, in his own mind of course, he pulled it on himself that he would ask Kelsey out.

“Y-you want to go on a date with me?” Kelsey asks, completely shocked.

“Yes?” Zayn says, having it come out in more of a question than an answer.

Kelsey walked out the door with Zayn, going out to a fancy restaurant. Zayn wearing a leather jacket and some jeans, his quiff perfect, as usual. And Kelsey in ripped jeans and a baggy sweater, they easily looked out of their place at this restaurant.

The waitress in a tight short, revealing dress walked over, seeing Kelsey first, looking her up and down making a disgusted look on her face, quickly moved onto Zayn. Smirking looking him up and down a couple of times.

“This way please!” The snooty waitress says through her nose. Kelsey bit her lip to keep herself from laughing, gosh the waitress was trying to hard to seem hot and cool, but was epically failing miserably. 

“Can I get you anything to drink?” The waitress says, sliding a menu with force in Kelsey’s direction, while politely placing one in front of Zayn. Zayn just rolls his eyes, but Kelsey feels hurt by this waitresses actions.

“I’ll just have water please” Zayn asks, looking at the waitress quickly than looking back down.

“Can I get a root-beer please?” Kelsey asks, trying to sound polite.

“Sorry, we’re out” the waitress says, unapologetic “I can get you water”.

“Sure, thanks” Kelsey says, trying to sound happy.

The waitress goes over to the next table and asks them what they want for drinks.

“Can I get a root-beer?” A boy asks.

“Of course, if you want a refill, we have plenty more” the waitress says, sounding like a regular human being.

“The fucking nerve” Kelsey says under her breath. Zayn snickers at Kelsey’s comment.

After giving in their orders, Kelsey having to change her’s three times, they finally get theirs, being given by a different waitress, actually being a waiter. They were happily eating. Zayn probably didn’t hear but Kelsey sure did hear the waitress’ conversation about her in the corner. 

“Who wears that to a restaurant? I mean, she doesn’t want to look any fuglier” the waitress says.

After thinking it through, Kelsey doesn’t know why Zayn even wants to be seen in public with her since she looks ‘fugly’.

Kelsey didn’t mean to say it but, it slipped out. “Why do you care for me?” Kelsey quickly slaps a hand on her mouth, whispers ‘sorry’.

“Why? Because you’re totally gorgeous, and I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while but, can you be my girlfriend?” Zayn asks, sounding calm.

Kelsey’s eyes grow wide, but then nods happily.

“Great!” Zayn says, leaning over the table and kissing Kelsey’s cheek.

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