Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Kelsey has been on many dates, but still hasn’t remembered at thing, she’s been feeling incredibly guilty when Zayn’s face falls every time she doesn’t remember.

“Hey Kels, do you wanna watch a movie?” Victoria asks, smiling at her.

“Sure, Something Borrowed?” She smiles. Victoria eagerly nods her head with a huge grin on her face.

They watch the movie, and just when it’s about to finish, Kelsey’s eyes begin to grow tiered. “I’m going to bed, see you later” she waves, yawning.

Victoria waves as she continues to watch the movie. When Kelsey goes to sleep, memories flash through her head, then the car accident, hearing Zayn whisper I’m so sorry and I love you.

She shoots out of her bed. “He loves me?” She whispers to himself. Soon, the feeling comes back, she remembers everything, more importantly, she remembers her love for him. She jumps out of her bed and get’s dressed, then heads down the stairs, waking the sleeping Victoria on the couch.

“Where are you going?” She asks sleepily.

Before answering, Kelsey closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I remember”. When those words came out of Kelsey’s mouth, Victoria instantly wakes up and pulls on a coat and shoes, takes a bag from the coat closet, grabs the keys out of Kelsey’s hands and rushes out the door.

“I’m going to Zayn’s” Kelsey tells her.

“I know” is all Victoria says as she continues driving. When they arrive at his place, Victoria ushers Kelsey out. “You’re staying over night” she calls, throwing the bag she grabbed and throws it at Kelsey.

“Ok?” Kelsey asks, confused. Kelsey watches Victoria play with her phone through the window, then drive away.The front door of Zayn’s house swings open revealing a super happy Zayn.

“You remember!” He chants, taking you in a hug. You instantly hug back, he places kisses on your nose, chin, forehead, cheeks, lips, everywhere on your face.

“Oh and Zayn” Kelsey begins.


“I love you too” she smiles.

“I love you so much!”

The enter his house and spend the rest of the night talking, cuddling and just spending time together.

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