Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

“What happened?” Victoria screams back, taking Harry’s hand and running down the steps.

“Sh-she passed out” Jay cries, laterally.

“We need to get to the hospital, Victoria and I will drive her there, you call Liam, call Louis too if you want” Harry explains, picking up Kristen bridal style and bringing her out to his car.

It was a silent and panicked drive to the hospital, Harry gripped the steering wheel, safely and quickly driving there while Victoria was in the back with Kristen, crying and gripping her hand. Victoria knows exactly what’s going on.It’s the cancer. Harry doesn’t, it’s going to be all new information to him.

Meanwhile, back at the girls condo, Jay was on the line with Liam.

“Hello?” Liam asks cheerfully. Jay hates to break the news to him, he sounds so happy.

“Hi Liam, it’s Jay, um…do you want to come over? I need to tell you some, is Louis with you?” Jay quickly says.

“Sure, yeah…Louis’ with me, here he is”. Liam hands the phone over to Louis.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” Louis answers, sounding even more happy.

“Hi, um…so, Kristen kind of passed out, she’s on her way to the hospital and um, can you and Liam pick me up?”

“Of course, we’ll be right there” Louis says, going serious.

Within five and ten minutes, they’re there. Jay’s still in tears on the floor when they come in.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asks, rushing to her with Louis by his side. Louis understands but not Liam.

“Um…I’ll explain at the hospital?” Jay says, coming out as more of a question then telling.

They rush to the hospital, Harry waiting at the entrance.

“There you are” Harry urgently says. Leading them inside to Kristen’s room. “It was quick, she’s woken up”.

“Wait, who’s woken up?” Liam asks, confused.

“Um…Kristen” Jay whispers.

“What?” Liam asks stunned. He rushes into the hospital room, seeing Kristen’s fragile body laying there in the bed. “How did this happen?” 

Stray tears fall from Kristen’s eyes, not wanting to tell him, but she has to. She’s about to tell him, but is saved by the doctor, better but not exactly.

“Kristen, we’re going to need to start the treatment” the doctor says.

More tears fall from Kristen’s eyes.

“What? What treatment?” Liam raises his voice a little.

“Kristen has cancer” the doctor says, giving Kristen a quick nod then leaving the room.

“What?” Liam whispers, then falling to the ground in tears.

After a few minutes, Liam pulls himself together a little, but then walking over to Kristen, both of them puffy eyed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Liam asks.

“I didn’t want you to think I’m gross”.

“I would never think you were gross, you’re beautiful, it’s impossible” Liam whispers “We’ll get through this together”.

Kristen sighs deeply. “Liam, I had cancer before, but it went away before the treatment started, now it’s back and I have less a chance of surviving, it’s a fifty-fifty chance”.

More tears fall from Liam’s eyes, also Kristen’s. Kristen moves over in the hospital bed, making room for Liam. He easily slips into her bed, holding her in his arms, she rests her head on his chest while take her hand and massages it. He softly kisses the top of her head. Then, to ruin the moment, the doctor comes in.

“Kristen, we got the percentages wrong, you have a forty-three percent chance of surviving, I’m sorry”. With that, the doctor leaves. Leaving everyone devastated.

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