Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Hearing those words wen’t straight to his heart, Zayn never thought he would hear those words twice. But it happened. Zayn can’t help but feel guilt that this is his fault, he knows he couldn’t control the other cars, but he feels terrible.

Zayn rushes out of the hospital room, tears already streaming down his face. The girl he fell in love with, but never got the chance to tell her, forgets they ever went out, better yet doesn’t even know him.

Liam walks out behind Zayn, grabbing him by the shoulder.

“Everything’s going to be fine, mate, she’ll remember one time or another” Liam says, pulling Zayn into a tight hug, letting him let it all out.

For a little bit, Zayn cried, but soon stopped, knowing that he needs to explain to Kelsey what’s happened in the past two months.

Meanwhile, Jay and Louis were out for a calm walking in the park, holding hands, talking about the random, until Jay’s phone blasts out. It’s from an unknown number so she declines it, but it keeps going off, no matter how many times she declines it.

When it goes off again, Jay was about to decline it but Louis interrupts her. 

“Whoever it is, they really want you to answer, so answer it” Louis explains, pressing the answer button and places it by her ear. 

“Hello?” Jay answers, slightly embarrassed that she answers later rather than sooner.

“Hi, this is Kelly from the London Hospital, are your parents Mary and Don?” A lady says on the other line.

“Yes” Jay says, grabbing the phone and tightening her grip on it.

“Your parents have gotten into a severe plane crash coming from Clearwater to London, I would suggest you come down immediately” Kelly explains.

Kelly waits for an answer from Jay, but only hears a loud thud. Jay dropped the phone and fell to her knees, bawling her eyes out. Louis gets curious and picks up the phone, thinking something happened to Kelsey. He answers, asking what’s going on, Kelly quickly replies, explaining the issue.

“We’ll be right there” Louis says, hanging up and sliding Jay’s phone into his pocket. He picks Jay up, into his arms, carrying her back to his car.

Louis carefully buckles Jay in, then slides into the drivers seat, rushing to the hospital. When they get there, Jay’s still crying and Louis picks her up again, carrying her into the hospital. He gets directions to her dad’s room, the news wasn’t given to Jay, but her mother died instantly, and her father not long to live.

“Jay?” Her father croaks out. Seeing her condition his face falls. Louis sets her in a chair beside her father’s bed as she quickly grabs his hand.

“Hello, I’m Louis” was Louis’ introduction for Jay’s father. He smiles.

Jay, Louis and Don talk for a while, until Jay falls asleep, tired probably from all the crying she’s done.

“You’re a good one for her” Don says, out of the blue for her.

“What do you mean?” Louis asks, confused.

“I like you, you treat her right. When you were carrying her when she couldn’t walk into this room, when you made sure she was comfortable in the chair before taking your own, you did it without even thinking, it was an instinct to you”.

“H-How do you know that?” Louis’ kind of freaked out how easily Don read him.

“Because I’m a baker” Don says, sarcastically.

“Um…I don’t think baker’s read people”.

“I saw it in your eyes, you really care for her” Don says “I know I won’t make it, but I know that you love her and I know that you’re going to get married some day, she’ll be yours forever. So you can take my daughter’s hand in marriage, not now though, she’s only eighteen, and needs some maturing to do, but you’ll be together forever”.

Don’s heart rate gets slower and slower, Louis knows what’s going on. He quickly wakes up Jay so she can say goodbye.

“Dad! Daddy, please don’t go!” Jay screams to her father.

“I love you Jay, I will always love you” her dad says.

“I love you to, I love you so much!” Jay says, right as Don takes his final breathe. Then, he’s gone.

“No!” Jay screams. Falling to the floor, bawling. Louis picks her up and places her on his lap on the couch. Giving her small shh’s and comforting words.

After they leave the hospital, she goes to her room to be alone and get some rest. Just as she’s about to fall asleep, her phone buzzes. She check’s and see’s it’s from…Zachary. 

Hey, u livin in London to?

Yeah, u still doing drugs?

Ya why?

Can u hook me up? i need to get my mind off some things

sure, i live on 22nd ave apartments 2nd floor room 202

k, be there soon

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