Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Victoria didn’t need to finish the sentence for Zayn to understand, he knew perfectly well what was going on. Kelsey’s hear stopped.

“Why?” Zayn cried out in horror. He kept asking himself why this was happening to him, but he couldn’t figure it out. Maybe if I wasn’t so stupid and didn’t daydream none of this would of happened Zayn thought to himself.

Just as they walked by many doors, they were almost there when Jay came rushing out screaming “She’s alive! She’s alive!” When she notices Zayn, she rushed up to him and hugs him as tight as she could “She’s alive Zayn, she’s not dead!” Jay screams, running back into the room.

“Another Louis…” Zayn trails off. He thinks about nothing until it clicks in him, Kelsey isn’t dead. He rushes into a room to see Kelsey asleep on her hospital, a little bit differently positioned than she was before, probably from the zapping to her heart. 

The girls left Zayn to be alone with Kelsey, even if she can’t see him, can’t touch him, can’t walk, can’t talk, and maybe not even hear him.

“I’m so sorry Kelsey, I never-ever wanted this to happen” Zayn mumbles, a single tear falling out of his beautiful eyes.

Zayn kept on talking to Kelsey, like she could hear him. 

What am I hearing?

Who’s talking to me?

“Why is he apologizing, what did he do?

Why is he saying he loves me?

These are the questions Kelsey kept asking herself as Zayn talked to her. She tried her best to open her eyes but she couldn’t, she felt awake, but she only say darkness. Until a light in the horizon, or in the back of her head, appeared. It came closer and closer, until she saw her…grandmother.

“Grammy!” Kelsey shouts happily, running straight through her grandma.

“Hello dear, be careful. We can’t exactly touch each other, since you aren’t as dead as me” her grandmother rambles like she usually does.

“I’m so happy to see you, but um…aren’t you dead?” Kelsey questions, not understanding. Her grandmother died in a car accident, very similar to the one Kelsey was in.

“Yes, yes I am, but you are sort of somewhere in between, you aren’t dead, but you aren’t really alive, you’re in a coma, this is what happens to people in a coma” her grandmother explains “I know this because it happened to me”.

“What are you going to show me then? My life, but in movie form?” Kelsey asks excitedly.

“Not really, I’m going to show you what would happen to your friends and your boyfriend” she says “In movie form”.

Kelsey laughs, but suddenly stops “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend, you see…I’m still in high school, and my ex. Ryan dumped me a little while back”.

“Yeah, well you’re graduated now. So stop asking questions! I’m trying to show you something but you won’t keep your mouth shut for two seconds!” Kelsey snickers at her grandmothers outburst.

Kristen came first, she had a bald head, and tears trickling down her cheeks, with a boy holding her hand, tears falling as well, kissing the back of her hand softly.

“Who’s that?” Kelsey asks her grandma.

“That’s your sister, dumbass”. Grandma and her trucker mouth “Just kidding, that’s your sister’s boyfriend Liam, he didn’t know about her cancer until a little before this, probably five days, they just found out that your sister isn’t going to make it”.

“What’s happening with her?”

“She has cancer, but she wasn’t strong enough without you, sure she had the girls, but they were never as closer as they used to be because your aren’t there anymore”.

“Please. Change it” Kelsey asks softly, tears streaming like mini waterfalls down he cheeks.

The next clip was of Jay, on a couch, alone. She had a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Kelsey gasps at the sight. A knock comes from her door, she sets her beer down, cigarette still in hand as she heads to open it. She opens it to reveal a sad looking boy, giving her a small smile but then frowns as he sees the cigarette in her hand. He begs her to stop softly, but Jay just cracks and starts yelling, walking back into her house, the boy walking right behind her. The shouting continues and she starts throwing stuff. She keeps throwing things until she falls to her knees and starts bawling. The boy takes the cigarette and throws it away into an ash tray. He then goes down to Jay and wraps her into a hug.

Tears start falling down Kelsey’s cheek, her grandma takes it as the sign to keep going.

The next one was Victoria, she was sitting on a cliff, her feet dangling. She gets up and stares at the bottom, gulping a little. She bends her knees, getting ready to jump off, but is stopped by a curly-haired boy. He grabbed her by the waist, bringing her far away, near his car. He places her in the back, him jumping in right away beside her. Holding her tight. She whispers many Life is so unfair’s. He keeps holding her, kissing her temple over and over again. 

More tears pour out of Kelsey’s eyes, fully understanding what happened. Victoria tried to kill herself

But there’s more to the clip, her ex boyfriend Chance appears. Harry frowns yelling at him to go away, but he smirks and shakes his head ‘no’. He then slaps Victoria across the face, making a huge hand print, get keeps punching her while the boy punches Chance in the face over and over again until he finally gets knocked out.

It then moves onto…a graveyard. Kelsey sees a blonde boy heading into it, tears trickling down his cheeks with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He goes up to a plate and falls to his knees, fulling breaking down. He places the flowers in front of the stone and keeps whispering: I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. Why was he sorry? Kelsey looks at the stone to see who’s it was, it was…Emma’s

“What happened to Emma?” Kelsey screams, tears uncontrollably falling down her face. 

“She committed suicide” her grandmother simply said “With all the hate she was getting online and you dying, she couldn’t take it anymore, while Niall, the boy, was at work she did it, it affected everyone”.

“So this is why I can’t die? Am I like, immortal now or something?” Kelsey asks, wiping tears away.

“No, you’re not immortal, it’s not your time yet, oh, and when you see a boy with dark hair and tattoos, don’t be surprised to see him”.

“What?” Kelsey yells, confused.

“You’re waking up now”. With that, her grandma floated away, back into the darkness. 

Her vision in the black started to fuzz and get blurry, until a very bright light shone at her eyes. 

“You’re awake!” A boy with black hair says, smiling wide. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, Kelsey can’t  help but feel this strong connection to this stranger “You remember me now, right?” 

“Did I ever meet you? I don’t recognize you”.

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