11.Whole Grown Ass Dragon

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Zander p.o.v

Zander someone kidnapped Jasmin. Lium said in panic in the mindlink.

What how and when. I asked him trying and stay calm because if I lost it we wouldn't get anywhere. 

Kaylee told me that Jasmin had a feeling that someone was following her and she didn't tell us until she went to Jasmin's house to see if she is ok and she wasn't there and there was a familiar scent there. He explained.

Who's scent? I question him resisting the urge to growl.

um you see the thing I-

Spit it out.

I cut him off knowing that he will say anything but what he wanted to say. He has a tendency of skipping the topic he is trying and say when he is nervous. I know I shouldn't be talking to the future King like this but this is my mate we are talking about.

Well it her cheating ex-boyfriend. He explained.

Wait she had an ex boyfriend. That's not the thing I'm angry about. The thing I'm angry about is that he cheated on her. The goddess that's my mate and the person the moon Goddess paired me with. I will kill him When I get the chance to.

Did you try and track his scentI inquired.

Yes we did but we didn't get any leads as to where they are now. He clarified.

I'm coming to the castle now. I said while blocking him out of my mind.

I mindlink my mother and father and told them what was happening. They told me they will meet me at the castle. I went in the deep into the woods then shifted to my dragon then flew to the castle. It took at least 20 minutes to get there normally it took 1 hour but the speed I was going it took way less. Oh you may be thinking where is the castle well its not deep down in some cave if that's what's your thinking. It's just a normal castle it's just far away from society and when I mean far I mean in a different dimension you have to past through this big ass tree yes the tree is big enough to fit a whole grown ass dragon. While I landed I saw my dad walking out of the castle he had a grim expression. I shifted back and he gave me clothes.

"Why do you have that expression on your face." I said.

"Son there is a lot we have to talk about." He said rushed. We walked into the throne room.
I saw King Cayden he had the same grim expression that my father had then I looked to my left I saw Lium and and Chase they looked like they would burst out crying.

"Dad what's going on well other than Jasmin getting kidnapped." I asked him.

"Son there is no way to sugarcoat this but Jasmin is Chase and Lium long lost sister." he said.

" Wait What how?" I am so confused first Jasmin gets kidnapped then they tell me that she is the long lost princess that nobody knew about.

" Well queen Ellen didn't die of a rouge attack she died giving birth to Jasmin and When we where mourning of the loss of our Queen someone came an kidnapped her." He said.

"Wait so she is a dragon and you knew you daughter was kidnapped but you didn't tried and find her." I growled at the king. I don't care I was disrespecting the king but right now we are talking about my mate. Ironic I said the same thing when Lium told me Jasmin was kidnapped. If she really is the long lost princess that mean she is a dragon and that also means that she will shift on her eighteenth birthday and that's in two months time. We have to find her soon.

"I did try and find her with all the resources we had but we came up empty handed then a few weeks before you transferred to St. Jackson high school we got a tip that's she's there but under a different name but we didn't know what name until now." The King ranted.

"How are we going to get her back?" I questioned.

"We are still working on that." Chase and Lium said in sync.
They took the news harder than me because they thought there mother died of a rouge attack but really died by giving birth to there younger sister that they didn't know about and to top that all of she was taken.

"What about Kaylee and Carter." I wondered.

" They are the one's to put two and two together that's Jasmin is a supernatural creature but we didn't know what she is until we took her D.N.A."

"So what you are telling me is we have to say put until we get a lead as to where she is" I growled feeling my dragon surfaces.

"They are good at hiding." Chase growled back at me.

" I don't care how long it takes we are finding my mate and you're sister." I roared at them then Stormed out of there.

How could they keep Chase and Lium little sister a secret but it explains a lot how she can make Chase smile like when we were children. Why would they keep it a secret in the first place. Did they not want her? No don't think like that Zander who wouldn't want her she is breath taking. Why would her ex-boyfriend kidnapped her? Why would they take James to? What do they want from Jasmin? Who are they? Do they know what she is?

I have so many unanswered question that it make my head spin. My dragon want to shift and destroy something so I run to the woods behind the castle and shift.

Jasmin p.o.v

What do they want from us? Is it so hard to tell me why they need me. When they torture me everyday without getting a reason why they do it. At one point they they told me they would hurt James if I didn't get angry which is absurd. Why would they want me to get angry.

We have been here for about a week now. I thought maybe Kaylee or Carter would of found us in the span of the week we are here but I'm slowly losing hope. We haven't eaten since the day we were kidnapped. I'm slowly thinking we are going to die here.

" James how are you holding up?" I asked him.

"I'm doing good but how are you?" he pleaded with me he knows I will switch the topic.

"I'm fine once he doesn't touch you." he said leaving no room for him to argue with me. Around now is the time Ethan comes and gives me my daily beating.

"hello sweetheart." he smirks at me. The smirk he had today told me that he had something in mind and it's now torture.

"What do you want to day Ethan?" I snarled at him.

"Oh baby you don't know how to shut up do you." He clucked.

He took something of the tray he had with his torture tools it was syringe. He injected James with it. When he did James let out the most painful scream I have ever heard in my life.

"What did you do to him." I cried.

" I forgot that you didn't now." He mocked. What does he know that I don't know? He seems to know things about my family that I don't know.

"What do you mean." I demanded.

"James is a werewolf." he remark and I gasped.

"Wa- what?" I Stuttered.

"Yes baby he is one and I injected him with wolves bane so he could get weaker and die." He proclaimed.

word count:1310


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