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Opening my eyes I see me and Ethan on our first date. It wasn't anything special. It was just a restaurant date which he only talked about his self. That should have been red flag number one, but me and my naive self didn't see it. I thought he was into me. I thought he was the one. Which he wasn't he was just using me.

Next scene was me and him on the beach. He went an buy ice cream but he was taking to long so I went an looked for him but what I found was him flirting with the person selling the ice cream. That should have been red flag number two but I didn't see it. All I did was ignore all the signs that told me that he wasn't good for me.

Next scene was when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He thought it was romantic but I thought it was cringe. He asked me out in front of the whole school and me being me said yes. I wanted a boyfriend at the time so I said yes. That was the worst mistake I made in my life.

The next scene was him talking to Maddie.
"What do you think He would do if I killed her now ." He said to Maddie.Who is this he?
"He would kill you for sure." She snarled at him most probably for his stupidity.
"Why do we have to go through all of this for one person, I say we just take her and take her powers. " He snapped.

"You know why." Maddie snapped back. What are they talking about.

" Why does dad have to be the bait though." Ethan whined.What the hell.Who is there father, bait? Who the hell.

"I-I I don't remember." Maddie said. What doesn't she remember. Did someone erase her memory. Why would they do that. Unless she found out important information. But why didn't they kill her.

"You should get going and act the perfect boyfriend." Maddie said. I knew he was faking it but hearing hurts.

The next scene is when he found me on my porch crying. That's The day I told him about how my 'Parents ' treat me. He comfort me and looking back at he was smirking when I was balling my eyes out. He was a sly basterd.

The next scene was when I caught him cheating and broke up with him. It was the day I vowed to look for the red flags, Lucky me that I have a mate that shows me that not all men are the same.

The next couple of scenes are of him stalking me. Like literally stalking, Kaylee and Carter wouldn't let him talk to me after the break up so he stalked me that was his reason. Total creep I tell you.

The next scene shocked me to the core.
"Dad do you have to do this." Ethan said to Scott. Why didn't I see this before. Ethan is literally the spitting image of Scott. That means that I dated my cousin. That's gross.

"Yes I do son." Scott said. Scott was the bait. Did this He person know that Scott would die or did he plan for Scott to kill dad. Did we change His plans or did we fall into His trap.

"Dad please don't do this." Maddie begged.

"I have to do this sunshine." I gaged at this.

"MIN-Jasmin." I heard Zander call out to him. I closed my eyes imagining Zander In front of me.

I could feel all my senses coming back to me. I open my eyes to see Zander in front of me with a worried face. "I'm ok." I whispered to him.

"Are you sure you look a little pale." Kaylee asked. It seems she heard me.

"Yes I'm fine though I need to talk to dad now, Zander could you mindlink him to meet me in the kitchen." I wanted to get out of this cell Pronto.

"Oh and Carter finished him off."

"Yess, Thanks Jazz." I knew he would love to finish him because Carter always told us not to trust him but we did and look where it got us.

I walked out of there with Zander on my tail. Going up all the twist, turns and stairs. to get to the kitchen. I was starving. When We got there I started to make a sandwich when dad waked in. I quickly finished and ate it.

"What do you got." Dad asked.

"Well Ethan and Maddie are Scott's children for one, then there is this Person that is pulling all the strings, meaning Scott was the bait." I said in one quick breath.

"Understandable looks like my gut feeling was right. " Dad looked stress.

"By the way how did interrogating Maddie go?" I asked.

"It seems like her memories have been wiped she doesn't even remember Ethan." He sighed.

I turned to Zander. "You have been insanely quite what's going on." I asked. He stayed quite, it feels like talking to Chase when you steal his Chocolate. Yes Chase has an obsession with chocolate. Can't blame him though chocolate is amazing.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room. When we got into my room he pulled me into a hug, he placed his head in the nook of my neck sniffing it to calm him down. Calm him down from What exactly I don't know. I don't know what going on with him but I'm not complaining.

"Zander was going on." I said in a small voice.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." He sighed.

"I don't want you to get hurt ether matter a fact I don't want any of us getting hurt." My voice was a little strained.

*dig dong*

Who The hell would ring a castle door bell in the middle of the night. Matter a fact which Castle has door bells. Zander looked at me and I looked at him with wide eyes. I think we have the same idea.

We ran all the way to the front door and opened it to find no body but what we did find was a box.

We took the box into the living room. Everyone was there they must have heard the door bell to.

word count:1058


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