31. Date pt. 2

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He lifted me into his lap. " What are you doing. " I asked.

"Oh nothing just wanted to feed the love of my life." He smiled and I blushed.
He feed me the sandwiches first, then he feed me the chocolate. Before we knew it we were finished.

Now we are star gazing. I can't help but wonder how many stars are there. I know there could be more than a trillion but just imagine how cool it would be to know the amount of stars there are. What if they are aliens. It's not so surprising if they are real. Like we know they have werewolves,Vampire's,witches and dragons. There could be so much more out there. Like is heaven or hell real? Are angels and devils real? Is there only one God or are there other Gods? Are their hybrids? Tribrids even. Are mermaids real? Do they have mermen?

Ever just wonder how the hell did I arrive at this stage of my life. Was I the only one thinking how miserable my life was before even though Kaylee and Carter was there to help me.

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours. " He asked.

"Thinking how did I end up with a loving mate." I kissed his nose. He smiled at me. He looked like a baby that just got candy. He looks so cute.
"Cute." I pinched his cheeks.

"Hey I'm not cute I'm handsome. " He protested with flushed cheeks.

"Aww you are handsomely cute." I cooed.

"Don't call me cute." He exclaimed.

"Don't worry Zandy I won't call you cute." I Smirked.

"Ugh I don't think I can control myself anymore. " He said turning me around so I'm straddling him now,before smashing his lips on mine. My arms instinctively went around his neck and his arms went around my waist.The sparks are incredibly. And his smell is intoxicating.

He left my lips to go down to my neck. He left soft wet kisses in his wake leaving me a moaning mess. His lips came back to mine with so much passion I almost collapse, His hands went under my shirt going up to my breasts. My hands went underneath his shirt feeling his well defined abs. God this is amazing. But we should stop.

"Hmmm Zander we should stop before we get to far." I said in a daze. I don't want to stop but this is not the right time for that.

"Yes we should." He was in the same daze I was in.
I can't help myself when I'm with him. I know he is my mate and all. He is the only person I think of. He is always on my mind and I just can't keep him out of all my thoughts. He so handsome,caring,sexy and selfless. He will always put my needs before his even though we disagree on that.


We went to the Castle to see everyone in the living room with grim faces. Zander instinctively slipped his hands into mine. Why the hell is everyone here I thought they were at Zanders. The only reason we came to the Castle was because I left my charger here. And Its to late to go an buy another one so we had to come here get it but we didn't expect everyone to be here.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked feeling the uneasiness in the air.
Before anyone could answer I asked other questions.
"And Why is everyone here?"

"Don't you think it was to easy." Carter said ignoring my second question.

"What are you saying Carter. " The uneasiness in the room is really making me worry. I squeezed Zanders hands for comfort and he squeezed back letting me know that he was there for me.

"No Carter's right it was to easy, knowing my brother he won't go down without a backup plan." Dad said.

"Can someone please telling me how the hell is that possible." Kaylee Said.
Chase and Lium were eerily quite. Why were they so quick. It makes this ten times worse.

"You don't know for sure." I know for sure because Dad knew him the best. I ignored Kaylee's questions because I don't know myself.

"We don't, but I have this gut feeling." Dad sighed.

"You know what they always say follow your gut so dad, tell us what we need to do." I smiled.

" Well I need you and Zander to help Kaylee and Carter look for leads, Then I want Chase and Lium to strengthen security and I will personally interrogate Maddie." He said.

"Wait what does Maddie have to do with this." I inquired.

"Well for one she threatened you and two she's Ethan's sister. "

I don't think I want to know how he knew Maddie Threatened me.
How do you look for leads when the person is dead.

"Zander did Ethan die?"

"Well technically yes but his brain not so much." Zander said.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well the wolves bane and the silver did a number on his body." Zander answered.

"We know what we have to do then." I walked out of there to go to my room to change. Yes I have a room in the Castle. Well obviously I'm a princess after all.

"What are you planning?" Zander was leaning on the door frame.

"Well you know go through his mind and see if he knew anything." I said.

"Be careful, you know you can get stuck in his mind right?" He asked.

"Don't worry Zandy I got this." I said.

"I hope so." He sighed.

We got the the dungeon. Kaylee and Carter are there waiting for us. I don't know how this will go. I actually might get stuck in his mind. Think on the bright side Jasmin. Dimond said. Alright think positive. I will get out of this alive better? I asked her.

I went into the cell Ethan is in and I put my hands on his head an chanted.
"Omnes ergo memorias."
(All the memories)

Word count:1013


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