35. Birthday

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Jasmin P.O.V

Waking up with the overwhelming urge to pee is very uncomfortable. " Zander, babe can you move your hand." I whispered in is ear. He mumbled something then tighten his hold on me make me almost wet the bed. I did the only thing I could think of I bit him he got up in no time.

I rushed to the bathroom doing my business. After I took a shower. I was have a concert in the bathroom when the hot water turned cold. I looked into the mirror to see my mark it is has two wolves howling at the moon, why wolves and not dragons. It means you are servants of the Moon Goddess. 

I got out with the towel on me. I open the door to see Zander the same place I left him. I went into his closet. I took one of his boxers and his hoodie. I walk out and made my way to the bed. I sat on top of him kissing each and every part of his face.

"Mmm now that how to wake up" He whispered. I smiled and got off him. He pulled me back and cuddled me.

"Happy birthday my princess. " He kissed my noise. I giggled.

"Let me go you dinosaur. " I shouted.


"What? That the first thing that came to mind." I laughed at his face then kissed him he kissed back of course.

We were now heading downstairs. I smell pancakes. I heard laughing.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASMIN. "  I literally screamed in happiness. "I made pancakes." Dad answered my answers my unasked questions. I smiled. This is what family should be. This was all I ever wanted and now I have it and I can't be more grateful.

Everyone ate their pancakes in peace. " Jasmin I have something to say." Dad was suddenly serious.

"Yes dad." I had curiosity in my voice.

" We will formal introduce you as the Dragon princesses at a ball tonight. " He stated.

"Wait what?!" I screeched.

"I have already arranged everything no need to worry." He assured.

" I need a dress though. " I sighed.

"It's already in your room, Kaylee and Carter will help you get ready and if you need extra help call a maid." He explained. Everyone was silent when finished explaining.

"Time for gifts!" Kaylee yelled. We went into the living room. Everyone had a gift. I got a lot of gifts. The one's I really like were the ring and necklace It was now the time to get ready for the ball. I was nervous. I not that social. I don't know how I'm going to get through this.

"You will get through this because you have all of us." Zander said behind me. I forgot that he could read my mind.

"It seems you have." He smirk. Kaylee and Carter came in and shooed Zander saying that if he was here he was only going to be a distraction to me. I went an shower again but this time I washed my hair and shaved.  I walked out of the showers about 20 minutes later. I put a robe around me for them to do my hair and makeup. When They were done I saw the dress for the first time and It was breathtaking.  It was a black v neck with a slit mid thigh. It was time to get to the ball. I was a nervous wreck. What if the people there don't like me.

" Everyone will like you jazz just keep your head held high." Carter said.

I walk downstairs to see Zander in a suit. He looks dashing. I make my way to the bottom of the stairs to where he is. He took my hands just in case I feel. He knew I would if he didn't hold my hands." You look flawless." He kissed the back of my hand. I linked our arms

As we made Our way to the ballroom. I heard the music and the voices. Before we entered someone said our names inside then we open the doors. I gripped onto Zander arm for dear life. We walked like we own the place which we do. My head was held up high. I saw father, Lium and Chase sitting in there thrones, Kaylee and Carter was somewhere. I heard all kinds of whispers. I didn't let anything they said bring me down. I walked to father first. He kissed my forehead then whispered to me that I looked beautiful.

I went to Lium and Chase after they said if anybody tried to touch me beat them to a bloody plump. Apparently as I have already shifted I don't have to shift tonight meaning that tonight is a night of celebration. Now the Crowning ceremony begun. Dad held out a book that looked like the bible, I knew it wasn't though. I put my hand on it. " Repeat after me, I Jasmin Ria Smith take all the responsibility of the taking the title of Dragon princess. "

"I Jasmin Ria Smith take all the responsibility of taking the title of Dragon princess. "

" By the power invested in me I now pronounce you princess of the dragons." He put the tira on my head.

"Long live the princess." Everyone chanted.

The ball was going pretty well. I meet quite a few people. I meet the council.  I meet many princess  and princes. Which Zander wasn't to found about. In all honesty I was having fun. I need a little air though. "Zander I will be in the garden."

"Alright love be careful." Kissed my lips. I walked into the garden.  The moon was full. It was beautiful. It was so big you would think you can jump then be on the moon. The roses were my favorite flower when I was little. I don't know what changed but now looking at roses disgusts me. Looking back at it now I don't think I ever like roses maybe I just liked the color. I heard a rustle behind but before I could turn around I felt something hit the back of my head making it  hard for me to stay awake.


When I woke up I was in the castle hospital wing. I got up looked around.

"Ahh Your awake princess. " A doctor I don't know the name of said.

"And You are?" I questioned.

"Forgive me your majesty I'm Doc. Jason. " He replied.

"Where is my family?" I asked. Doc. Jason looked down.

"I'm sorry to say this your Highness but they were taken when you were unconscious. " He explained.

"WHAT." I screamed. I body was trembling with the news.

"What about James, Kaylee, Peter and Carter?" He didn't answer meaning they took them to.
They were taken. Who would take them and Why. My only family. They are the mostly powerful people I know. If they were taken then it was a powerful foe. It had been a couple of hours. I have collected my thoughts on everything. I was now looking at a picture with everyone. We were all smiling.

"Hello your Highness I'm Henry your father secretary and I will show you the ropes of running this empire." He introduced himself.

"Give me one minute." I requested.

"Yes your Highness. " He left the room. I looked back at the picture in my hands.

"I will become stronger and I will find you, all of you and the person that captured you will pay I promise."

Word count:1284




Farewell for now my friends.

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