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I stood in front of them frozen. It couldn't be. Why did this happen to him of all people? I asked myself. It took awhile for me to register everything that was happening, immediately I ran to him.
"DAD!" I shouted as I saw him on the ground in a pool of blood. How could this happen?
I ran to him, putting his head into my lap.

"Dad hold on." I cried. He looked at me with tearful eyes, before he took his last breath.

"Ta-ke care of t-hem. " I watched as the color in his eyes faded.

"No Dad please don't go." I shook him hoping that he would wake up but I knew he wouldn't. I froze, I couldn't believe what had just happen. I said "Please Dad come back to me please" with tears in my eyes. I just got him back I can't lose him and I won't. I looked at Scott only to see red. My blood boiled. My hunger for his blood grew. I wanted to kill him with no mercy. I want to see his color from his eyes fading. I want to torture him till he wished he was dead.

I felt this burring sensation in my body, after my body to dropped to the floor. I don't know where it came from but it felt good like when you're high off cigarettes but better.
Before I knew my bones was cracking, bending and breaking. I screamed not only from the pain of my bones breaking but the grief I felt for my dad. It was unbearable. How I endured that will be mystery.

When the pain stopped I felt completely different. bigger and Stronger even. I looked at my hands and what I saw was purple scales. What the hell did I really turn.

"Jasmin you need a little more time before you kill him, I have a plan." Dimond said in my mind.

"What's the plan." I asked her.

"Don't worry just wait until everyone gets here, in the meantime Tie him up and give him a few punch. " She said.

"I need you to do one more thing for the plan."

"What Is it?"

"I need you to roar."

"How do I do that?"

"When you're angry you want to scream, its like that but take that scream into a lower deeper tone then you've got a roar."

I tried that and it came out like a mega roar. I love the sound of that.

"How do I turn back exactly?" I questioned.

"Just try to imagine you're human form." She said

After I did that I felt my hands again which Is good. But the bad thing is my closet are partly. What to do I mean by party. Well the clothes I'm wearing are the clothes dragon shifters use. It seems like my dragon is just that powerful. I got up from the ground looking at him with this sinister smirk. I could see the fear in his eyes. He looked like he would turn tail and run but he knew I would give him hell ether way. "So we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way?" I tilted my head looking at him innocently like I didn't just asked him which way he would like to die.

I charged towards him with all my speed, with all my anger and with all my grief. I kick him in his chest first then I right upper cut him. He staggered back looking like a poor defensive cube. But I knew better than to underestimate your opponent. He take his chances to do a combo on me. Left, Right, Left ,Up. He got a few good punches in before I staggered back. He had this look that I can't quite explain. Its a combination of anger, fear and anxiousness. I looked around to see if I could find anything useful to tie him up.

My prayers are answered when I see ropes. I looked at him with so much determination that he looked more fearful than ever. I ran to the ropes. When I got to them He finally figured out what I'm doing. I smirked at him and run at him with the intent to knock him out. Which by the way did work. I punched him so hard in the head he had to knock out. I took the ropes. Hopefully they hold on till the other can arrive. As on que I heard heavy footsteps coming towards us. I felt relieved but I felt dread. All my thoughts were how Lium and Chase would take it.

wore count:779


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