16.Kaylee Can't Cook

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I woke up in Zander arms and to say it was the best thing to wake up to. He looked so peaceful like he didn't have a care in the world. I just realized that he doesn't have a shirt on which gives me full access to looked at his amazing eight pack. Can you believe it a eight pack. He looks so handsome. "You know it's rude to stare sweetheart." He said with his morning voice and so say it was sexy was an understatement.

"I'm not staring." I lied.

"Oh so how can I feel your burning gaze on my abs." He opens his eyes to look at me with so much adoration.

"You couldn't because you were asleep." I justified.

"Oh no baby I was awake at least fifteen minutes before you were awake." He smiled.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes really." He smirk at me with mischief in his eyes. He stated pampering my face with kisses. From my cheek to my neck. I was a giggling mess.

"Zander stop." I whined.

"Why would I, your laugh tells me otherwise." He laughed out.

"Please Zandy I need to use the bathroom." I said.

"Okay fine." He sighs. He lets me go so I rushed to the bathroom to do my business then I looked for an extra toothbrush in the cabinet.

"Ah found it." I Happily exclaimed.

I left the bathroom when I finished my business to only see Zander the same place I left him minutes ago. I got the perfect idea to wake him up. Cue the devilish smirk and laugh.
I ran on to the bed and straddled him shaking him awake saying.

"Zander, Zander! get up or I won't talk to you ever again." I tried not to laugh knowing what I told him affected him. Instead of opening his eyes he wrapped his arms around my waist and switched our positions. Now he was on top of me. His hands trapping me on both sides.

"Now why would you do that baby." He acts innocent.

"Because you wouldn't get up." I pouted.

"All you had to do was kiss me and I would of gotten  up." He teased. I blushed and looked down. Yes I wanted to kiss him but I wanted to wait.

"lets go and check on James." I change to topic so I wouldn't be a blushing mess right now.

"He's with Peter." He said.

"Oh okay so what are we doing to day?" I questioned. I really didn't want to do anything today.

"Maybe stay here all day." He answered.

"But first lets go eat breakfast." I said ad I felt my stomach growled.

"Yeah sure lets go." He said.

We existed the room after he did his business in the bathroom. We walk down the stairs to only hear noise in the kitchen. I already know who is making a mess. Kaylee of course. She can't cook to save her life and I have a feeling that she cooked something by the way the house smelled like burn food.

"Now who told Kaylee to cook." I asked when we entered the kitchen.

"Well good morning to you to." Kaylee said sarcastically.

"My apologies everyone good morning to everyone except Kaylee." I sweetly smiled. Everyone said good morning to me as Kaylee rolled her eyes.

"Now Cart who let Kaylee cook?" I questioned.

"Hey, she was here before us, We ran downstairs when we smelled something burning, what a wonder you didn't smell it." He said as he puts his hands in the air in surrender.

"To be fair I was asleep." I said in a defensive tone.

"No more of that kids clean this up so I can cook." Jane said in a scolding voice.

"Yes ma'am." Everyone said except me and Zander. And they looked at us expecting us to to say it.

"What? I just woke up, I haven't even had my morning coffee so ask Zander." I said cranky because of the mention of the coffee I haven't had yet.

"What me?!?! I just woke up to." Zander said dramatically.

"Um Zander buddy um you see if Jasmin doesn't get her coffee in the morning she will be one cranky bitch so leave her be." Carter said as he puts his arm around Zander shoulder.

"Dearly noted always give Jasmin coffee in the morning." Zander said. I just ignored them looking for my coffee but I didn't get only to see Kaylee had a cup so I took it from her. Even though she can't cook she can make an amazing coffee.

"Hey that was mine." She whined. I just gave her a glare and that glare told her to shut up or else. She knows what the or else means and so does Carter. Kaylee, Carter and Lium cleaned the kitchen while me, Chase and Zander just watch.


It was mid-afternoon me and Zander were in his bed cuddling and watching Wonder Woman.
After the morning fiasco Jane made pancakes. I got to see James with Peter. They really get along pretty well. They look like twins. "Hey Zander." I called him making him looked at me.

"hmm." He hummed at me.

"One thing I don't get is how do you know dad, Chase and Lium I mean like their royalty." I asked. This has been on my mind for awhile now.

"Well has Kaylee explained the rankings system to you?" he asked.

"No, I don't think so." I answered.

"Okay so Kaylee is an alpha right." He said and i nodded.

"An alpha is the leader of the pack so in our sense the king is the alpha and every alpha had their Beta. A beta is the second in Command so like if the alpha is away for a business trip or goes on a vacation the beta will take care of the pack. My family are the betas of the kingdom." He explained.

"Okay so that makes more sense then what I have in my head." I said.

"Do I want to know what you had in that pretty little mind of yours." He asked.

"Nope sorry." I smiled. I was not sorry at all.

word count:1037


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