30. Date pt.1

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It was all fun an games until I had to torture the man that tortured me. I will make him see hell. I want him to beg me for mercy. And for the other two Zander,Dad,Lium,Chase, Kaylee and Carter had their fun. I specifically told them to leave Ethan to me. He needs to die at my hands. It should bother me that I wanted to kill him but he did something to me that left me scared and he should pay for that.

"See how the tables have turn." I smirked at him.
I was in the castle dungeon. The first time I was here I was in awe. It was so fancy and modern but it's had this older type feeling. It was even better than Zanders and his parents house, Correction Mansions.

"I couldn't care less, at least I did a number on you." He laughed.

"That's what you're happy about, you're not scared in the least?" I looked at him confused.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" He snapped.

"That's a good question, how about I show why you need to be afraid of me." I snarled at him.

"Would love to see you try. " He growled.

"Ah a challenge, you know I love a challenge, When I'm done with you, you will be beginning for me to kill you." I snarled.

I know the perfect thing to do him. Mother once said. If they aren't afraid make them see their worse nightmare. Then electrocute him just for good measure.
She taught me a lot and I'm grateful to her. I even found out that I can make my own spells. Which is awe- fucking-some by the way. She also said that I was blessed by the spirits so I could call upon them anytime.

"facere vera suis timoribus." I whispered to the spirits.
( True to their fears)
He looked me in shock. Oh yeah they didn't know I had magic. His eyes rolled back meaning that I have to wait. I took a chair That was in the next cell to wait.

"Are you done yet." Zander asked in our mindlink that I made until he marks me. Yes there is a spell for mindlinking.

"Nope the fun has just begun. " I said .

"Mind if I join?" He asked.

"Not at all." I answered back. I smiled at this, he is so caring. He came down with a bag of chips.
"Came prepared I see." I laughed.

"Yup." He smile, Then took a chair wherever it came from and sat down. After that we talked, we laughed like we're not in a dungeon and not about to torture someone. But in my defense he tortured me first. He woke up with a scream. I smirked at this. "How was the dream?" I asked innocently. He looked at me with pure horror.

"G-get away from me you monster!" He shouted with pure fear.

"What did dream me do to you?" I looked at him with pure curiosity.
"Zander would you be a dear an get the electric chair." I said to him.

"With pleasure my lady." He smiled and left to get it.
"W-W-What do you need it for." He Stuttered out.

"Well you see Ethan hurting me is one thing but you hurt my little brother and that's something you can't repent for so I will be the one to execute you but I don't feel like getting my hands dirty, that's why you will die by an electric chair." I said. He looked petrified.
A few minutes later Zander came in with the chair.

"Please y-y-you d-d-don't have to do this." He Stuttered out in fear.
I know this is taking to far but he hurt my family and that's something I can't forgive anyone for.

"Oh but Ethan we do, You could have killed me back then but you didn't and that's you're mistake. And This is kind of my revenge." I looked at him with so much rage.
I looked to my left to see a table with sliver daggers and wolves bane, I smirked at this.

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