19.On Our Side

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Dad was right Zander, Chase and lium would never agree to the ways he would train me. He is ruthless not to make me scared but to make me stronger. He taught how to use teleportation without really focusing on where I'm going. He taught me more fighting skills because I already knew the basics. By the time we finish it was almost sunrise.

"You should get going before Zander wakes up and see you gone." He said.

"Okay dad see you." I said.

"And Don't tell anyone about this and meet me here the exact same time." He said sternly.

"Yes sir." I saluted him then teleported my ass home. Home huh? I like the sound of that. Once I got back I took a quick shower. Then went to bed like nothing happened in the passed 4 or 5 hours.


"Awww they are so cute." Kaylee whispered. I woke up to that wow.
My body is hurting like a bitch.

"shhhh they might wake up if your to loud." Carter whispered back.

"You Should know both of them are awake from all your loud talking." Chase said this time.

"What the heck are you'll doing here?" I finally open my eyes to see all of the huddled up on the bed. I looked at Zander to see him also looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well we were coming and wake you up, then we saw Zander here so we wanted to take sum pictures." Kaylee smirk and then she and Carter run out. They know I hate to be woken up from my sleep. I glared at Lium and Chase. They slowly walked out of the room without saying anything.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled and I blushed.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Lets get this morning started shall we." He asked

"Ugh do we have to." I groaned.

"Yes you lazy bum least go." He said as he carried me bridal style and I squeaked.

"Zander what are you doing?" I laughed.

"What does it look like I'm carrying my princess to get breakfast." He smirk. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. He laughed at this. We went down stairs to see Lium and Carter blushing and Chase and Kaylee laughing. When Zander put me down I asked.

"What did you'll do?"

"We didn't do anything the only thing we told them is we heard a lot of noise coming from there room last night." Chased said amused.

"Oh you don't say." I smirked at Lium.

He knew what about to go down before I even said anything so he ran with Carter hot on his heels.

"Okay that was amusing." Zander laughed.

"Okay people I'm hungry." I said.

"Hi hungry I'm Zander." He smirk.

"Not funny." I slapped his chest.

"Lets eat before I bitch slap Zander." I said.

"Aww come on I didn't do anything." He whined. All I had to to was give him a glare for him to shut up. After breakfast Me and Zander made our way to my room.

"Stay out I'm going an shower." I said seriously.

"Please can I come in with you." He put his best puppy dog eyes on. I knew I would say yes if I looked into his eyes for longer so I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. When I finished my business in the bathroom, I realized that I didn't bring any clothes. I took a deep breath to prepare myself for what was about to happen if Zander was still in my room. I open the door quietly and popped my head out. I looked and sighed in relief. He wasn't there. I walked to my closet to pick what I was wearing today. I picked a long black sleeve shirt with black skinny ripped jeans and creepers shoes. I topped It of with my hair In a high ponytail and some chains, ring and earrings.

"COME ON PEOPLE IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP WE MIGHT BE LATE FOR SCHOOL." Lium Shouted.I ran down stairs in no time. I saw everyone down stairs already.

"Lets go people." I said. Before we got into our own individual cars I got idea.

"Zander, Lium, Chase why Don't we have a race." I smirked at Lium and Kaylee

"Oh hell yes the loser has to by all of us lunch." Lium said.

"The first traffic lights we see is where we start." I said.

"You know on second thought I'm going with Jasmin." Kaylee and Carter said in sync and they both glared at each other.

"Okay fine by me lets go." I said as I got into my car and made the engine roar to life, I smiled at this knowing I'm about to win.

"Okay Kaylee, Carter you know what to do." I asked and they nodded. We got to the first traffic light which about 30 minutes away from the school. We revered our cars waiting for the light to turn  green. And when it did all you saw was smoke. I was in the lead of course but Zander was close behind me and I didn't Like that so I changed my gare and told Kaylee to press the button for boost. When I saw the School coming into view I drifted the car in school parking lot and into my normal parking space. I looked left and right to see Zander, Chase and Lium were here as well so it's a tie. We got out of our cars and just laughed.

"That was so awesome Jazz we have to do this more often." Kaylee said and Carter nodded in agreement.

"Jasmin how the hell did you learn to drift like that." Lium asked me.

"WellyouseemeKayleeandCarterkindasortadabbledinillegalracing." I rushed out rubbing the back of my neck.

"Slower please." Zander asked. I took a deep breath.

"Well you see Me, Kaylee and Carter kinda sorta dabbled in illegal racing." I said.

"You what!!" all three of them shouted. We looked anywhere but there faces. Then I saw that the whole student body was looking at us and I stood tall. I looked at Zander face to see pure shock.

"What?" I asked.

"1.that's amazing 2. YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT and 3. Still amazing." He smiled.

A few seconds later Chase and Lium recovered from there shock. Then we begin talk about that until the bell rang. We knew everyone was looking at us but we didn't give a shit. The day went by faster then you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It was an event full day.

1. Zander made the principle change his timetable so it can sync with mine. 2. Maddie confronted me tell me.

" My brothers will beat your ass." I just laughed in her face then walked away. And
3.Ace confronted me and told me " Meet me at the warehouse at 9 and open the paper when no one is around you." He whispered in my ear. He handed me a paper then left with no other explanation. I went to the girls bathroom to read. It said

 I'm on your side meet me at
xxxxxxx xxxxx.

word count:1195


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