34. The Deed

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Jasmin P.O.V

I don't believe it. She can't be alive can she?, Who have I been seeing in my dreams. That would be the Moon Goddess. Dimond sighed in my head. Why would the moon Goddess want to see me?

Why didn't you tell me she was alive and why did she want to train me? I inquired.

I can't answer any of those questions because it's an order from the moon Goddess not to tell you. She whined.

I block her out after that. I don't know how dad and the boys took the news. Dad must be devastated. Lium and Chase must be shock like me. How is she alive,did that man have her all this time? Why did they make it like she was dead and now tell us. It makes no sense.

Zander was no where to be seen. I don't know where he is but I hope he's okay.

Lium P.O.V

This is something that I didn't expect happening ever in my life. I thought mom was dead. Why when we just got our baby sister back we find out our mom is alive. We had finally got some peace when Jasmin came back but now It just doesn't feel right knowing she's alive and we sit here and do nothing. We don't exactly know if she is really alive though. It must just be a ploy to get us to give him Jasmin.

Chase and I were in our room. He looked more devastated than shocked. He was closer to mom than me. I was always with dad whiles he was with mom. When we thought she died it took him and dad the hardest not that it didn't take me hard. Most of the time I would be energetic and happy but it was only a facade. It was just for show and the only people that took notice of this was Carter, Jasmin and Zander.

I know Chase and Dad were devastated but that didn't give them any right to ignore me. I don't hold it against them though. I know I should but I just can't they are my family and family stick together through thick and thin no matter what.

Zander P.O.V

Why can't the world just let me and Jasmin be in peace. All I want is to spend time with her and that I can't do. I thought we had guards all around the castle 24/7. The only conclusion I came up with was that we have a mole. That knows where and when our guards might be. It could be anyone. I know I have my fair share of trust issues but damn I never thought one if our own would turn against us.

I gathered all the guards we had that night on patrol. "I want to know where you were and who you were with that night and if your story doesn't match the other you will be executed. " My voice boomed.

All of them quiver in fear. I walked out with my head full. I can't wrap my head around how is Queen Ellen is alive. I know I had to take charge of certain things that included the Queen. Even though she is the King's mate he won't think rationally nether will Chase and Lium.

I sit in my office waiting for the files. I miss Jasmin, I want to tell her what is going on but I know she is still in shock so I will deal with this then comfort her. I know if I don't do this and go an comfort her she will kick my ass saying 'Go catch them'.

There is a knock on my door. Thinking it's one of the gaurds bringing the files I say come in. To my surprise it's Jasmin. She comes and sits on my lap. She put her head in the nook of my neck and sighs deeply.

"What's wrong love." I rubbed her back slowly. She sighed again.

" I don't know all I know right now is that I missed you." She admitted. I Chuckled at her, she is so cute.

" Don't worry I missed you to sweetheart." I kissed her forehead. She giggled. A knock can be heard through the room. Naturally a told the person to come in. It's one of the guards that's supposed to give me the files.

"Here are the files sir." He squeaked out.

"Put them on the desk then leave." I growled. He put them on the desk then scurried out of the room. Before I even got the chance to look at the files Jasmin lips were on my neck sucking to her delight.
"Mhm Jasmin are you sure about this." I mumbled out of breath. I got hand it to her she knows how to make me breathless from one kiss.

"I want you Zander." She had a low husky voice.

"Alright love you're wish is my command. " I lift her up, now her legs are around my waits and her arms are around my neck. As I walked to my room I kissed her forehead, left cheek, right cheek then the corners of her lips just to tease her and she whined for me to kiss her and that I did.

I sat her down gently on the bed." Are you sure you want this." I had to make sure, I don't want to do anything when she's not sure about. She shut me up with a passionate kiss. I bit her bottom lip asking for entrance but she denied. I growled. I cupped her breasts in my hands and massage them, She gasped giving me entrance, I shoved my tongue in making her moan. We fought for dominance ,I won of course.

Our clothes were long gone. I left her lips going to her neck, then down to her breast ,then to her stomach I stopped there going to her ear and whisper.
"What do you want love?" I bit her ear lobe.

"I want you to mark me as yours." She mumbled breathlessly.

"You're wish is my command. " I smiled.

Jasmin P.O.V

I love him for sure. After I said mark me he began his sweet torture kissing my neck looking for my sweet spot." Mhm."
"Found it." He huffed. I felt an intense pain in my neck. I screamed but then it turned into an intense sense of pleasure I moaned loudly at this.

"You okay love?" He questioned.

"I'm fine." I kissed him. Let's say after that we didn't stop until the sun rose.

Word count:1103


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