25.The Trap

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Walking to fuck knows where. I heard heavy breathing behind me. I took a glance at the back of me trying not to make them know that I know there are following me. But there was no one behind me which was very unnerving because I could clearly hear the person heavy breathing. I quickened my pace seeing as I didn't want to teleport because a human can see me and that would jeopardize our secret. In the nick of time, I saw a forest clearing. I fully sprinted in the forest, only getting deeper and deeper into their trap. I only stopped when I was out of breath. I looked around me to see if anything or anyone followed me but no one did which is strange. Once I started to feel a little less danger in my Surroundings, I continued walking until I got to the place of my dream. The two paths. The one that looked like death it self and then the one that looked like all rainbows and sun shine.

In my dream I didn't have time to pick which one I took because of the wolf. I have to pick quickly before that wolf came. To late my mind said As I felt a presence behind me, and I still don't like the aura. So I ran not caring about which path I took just like my dream. Déjà vu I thought as I ran. The adrenaline that courses though my veins feeling like electricity. My heart pumping like it would get legs and run right out of my chest. This is not what I expected to do when I said I wanted a walk. What I expected was for me to clear my mind then head back home. But no. The universe had other plans. I jumped over logs, dodged low hanging branches and swerved trees. But for what? Knowing no matter what, that thing would catch me. It pounced on me making my heart stop. It looked in to my eyes daring me to do something. And you know what I didn't do anything well partially I said the only spell I knew. 'Fiat ignis'

It didn't work, why didn't It work. It worked the first time. Don't tell me I said It wrong. No that can't be it I said it the same way mom said it. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk , The poor soul didn't feel the barrier." Someone said coming out from the tree line. He had blood red hair, pale white skin and deep black eyes making them look like a black holes. I couldn't do anything with the wolf on top of me. All I did was analysis the situation. If I can't use the spell means I can't teleport, which also means I can't escape.

"Oh I'm sorry for my rudeness you're highness I'm Sam." He mocked.

"Harry come here." He beckoned the wolf. The wolf got off me in not time at all.

"What do you want from me." I growled.

"Well our first objective was to kill you but where is the fun in that, We are going to have a lot of fun tearing you limb for limb." He smiled Sadistically.

"You could try." I taunted. I took a fighting stance.

"The little princess knows how to fight." He laughs at me not knowing I can kick his ass all the way to Europe.

"Oh come on, afraid to hit a girl." I taunted with a smirk. His smiling face dropped now looking angry. He took the first swing that I dodged with little energy. then came an upper cut, then a left jab, then a right jab ,one took me making me stumble back, only to block his other attacks. He grabbed my hair thinking he would use it to advantage but this close to him I could hit his vital points.

"Is that all you got." I taunted. With that being said he got frustrated making his attacks sloppy. I saw and opining  when he was going to punch me in my face. I swiftly knocked him down, Straddling him now. I punched him with everything I got. left ,right. Left, right. I could only see was red. I punched him until I couldn't feel his pulse.

"And I thought You could do better." I smirked. I looked around for the wolf but It wasn't there. Well it looks like it ran with its tail in between its legs. I smirked at this thought. I tried to teleport but it seems I was right I can't in this barrier. I should really get out of here before wherever his name was, partner comes back. With that thought I tried to find my way out of these forest. But alas I'm lost. I remember Chase give a ring. He said tap it and we will find you.

flashback 2 days ago

Kaylee and I were in here room talking about the boys and how she is angry at Chase for being overly possessive. In her words.
'I have no problem with possessiveness, it's kinda sexy but he took it to another level.'
So she kicked him out of her room and called me.



"What do you want Chase?!" She yelled at him.

"I actually wanted to talk to Jasmin." He called from behind the door. I looked at her, she just nodded at me.

"You okay Chase?" I asked as I stepped out of Kaylee's room.

"Yeah I'm good but I want to give you this." He said as he gave me a velvet box.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"Just opened it an you will see." He smiled.

I opened it to see a beautiful silver heart necklace with my name engraved on it.

"When you need us just tap on it."

End of flashback

I don't know how long I waited but it felt like forever.

"Jasmin!" Chase shouted.

"Here!" I shouted back. I saw Zander ,Lium, Kaylee, Carter and Chase running to me with worried faces.

"What happened?" They all asked in sync.

"Well I almost got killed but other than that nothing happened. " I tried to joke.

"You want to say that again with out trying to joke about it." Zander said getting angry.

"No thanks I rather not." I said feeling tired.

"I will just take a nap." started to fall but someone caught me and that's all I felt before I fall unconscious.

word count:1079


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