Chapter 14

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Nico had finally made it to school after a long night of studying with Solace. He had just learned that was his last name and couldn't think of anything more fitting to call the little bugger. They had been hanging out a lot lately and Nico was reluctant to admit that they maybe sorta might be friends. The SoB had wormed his way into Nicos life and he was obviously there to stay.

As he wandered around the halls with no particular destination, he came across a chatting Annabeth and Reyna. When Reyna saw him she waved him over. Nico internally rolled his eyes and trudged over to the girls.

"Hey, you're officially rsvp'd for the pj party!" Annabeth said in an overly cheery voice.

"Oh shit I forgot about that." Nico said as he nervously tugged on the strings of his backpack. The entire friend group had an ongoing tradition where every year they would have a pajama party with the original gang. Every year there would be new members added but Nico had never missed one even after B. That was mostly thanks to Hazel but the fact remained that he really didn't have a choice in the matter. He sighed and nodded towards the two of them looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Yeah yeah it's still at Sally's right?" he asked wearily. He didn't miss the shocked look in Reynas' eyes as he responded. He assumed she was one of the new members cuz he didn't remember seeing her last year. To be completely honest he really wanted to go. It was always super fun. Leo always got everyone shit faced and they would play charades and all the drama would just go away and they could be kids again for a night.

He turned around with a hint of a smile on his lips as he headed for his next class. On the way he passed by Will and Jason horsing around in the hallway and nodded slightly towards their direction. Jase waved and Will beamed on the sight of him. God that boy's smile was so bright it could purifie Satan. Even as he pretended to be annoyed and like he and Will had never exchanged more than a few words he could feel his ears warming up as he strolled away as fast as possible.

When he reached his classroom he shoved his bed under his chair and put his earbuds in, hoping they would drown everyone else out so he could focus for once.

//Time Skip brought to you by Skippy Peanut Butter//

Nico shoved regular clothes into his bag with his sleeping meds and his phone charger. He had opted for plaid pajama pants Hazel had gotten him for Christmas a few years back and a soft black t-shirt from the kids section of GAP. He planned on grabbing a ride from Reyna and had agreed to meet her at the coffee shop a few blocks from his apartment building. As he stepped out the door a brown piece of fabric caught his eye. It was Will's flannel. Without thinking he grabbed and threw it over himself before locking his door and jogging down the stairs of the building . When he got to the coffee shop Reyna wasn't there yet so he ordered an extra large black coffee to keep himself going through the night and sat on one of the tables outside enjoying the chilled air.

A fairly nice looking car rolled up to the cafe's entrance and a head popped out the window.

"Get in loser!" A slightly red cheeked Reyna yells and beckons Nico forward.

(A/N alright so I didn't really plan the rest of this chapter so we're just gonna end it here. Sorry I've been gone for a bit but i hope to focus more on writing in the future :) )

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