Chapter 18

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As Will and Nico walked to the short boys locker, Will couldn't help but notice how fidgety he was. Nico was picking at his nail polish, black of course. Will didn't want Nico to feel anxious, so he tried to distract him.

"Hey, would you maybe want to come over some time and paint my nails? I really like the way yours look. You obviously don't have to I totally understand-"

Will was cut off by Nico's thumb gently pressed against his lip, a soft smile on his lips. At that moment, the world around them stopped. It was just them, the rest of the world slipping away.

"I would love to." Nico said, a slight smile playing on his lips. He gently took Will's hand and led him outside to the courtyard. Will was stunned, he had never seen this soft side of Nico before, well the sober version of it at least. He just followed, sensing that Nico had something he wanted to tell him. Once they were in the courtyard, Nico took a deep breath, raising his eyes to look at Will.

"Okay, I have a lot to say so just shut up for a second, okay?" He said nervously.

Will nodded, gently moving the hair out of Nicos eyes so he could see him. He felt a little spark of joy at the sight of Nicos ears turning pink after the fact.

Nico pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket and began.

"I just want you to know how much I value our relationship. You have brought me out of my shell more than I'd like to admit and I just want to say thank you for that. I also want to thank you for opening up to me the other day. I know that wasn't easy. Especially about Ethan."

Nico paused, taking another breath and extending his hands out to Will.

" I know how much Ethan meant to you and I just want you to know that I don't intend to replace him. I am, however, here for you. And I'm in this for the long haul, whatever this is." He said giving Will a meaningful look.

"I want to give this to you. So you have a reminder that both of us are with you, always."

Will was utterly taken aback. He gingerly took the box from Nico and opened it. What was inside made Wills legs give out. It was a leather bracelet, clearly expertly crafted. On the inside of the bracelet, Ethan's name was pressed into the dark stained fabric, and on the front was a semicolon in the center, surrounded by vines and snaking flowers. On the side of the bracelet, a yellow ribbon was attached, the silk bringing a shard of color to the even and warm tones of the bracelet.

Will looked up into the swirling ebony eyes that he had become so accustomed to. He had never felt so many emotions all at the same time in one moment. They were racing through his brain, leaving his thoughts blank except for one. Nico was his person. No matter what, Nico would be there for him and in that moment, absolutely nothing else mattered. Will truly had no words, the amount of gratitude however apparent on his face. Nico tenderly smiled at him, giving a nod of understanding.

"Thank You." He whispered.

Will felt Nico's slender fingers slip around his wrist, delicately attaching the bracelet.

Will softly placed his hand on Nico's cheek, and studied his face. God, this boy really was beautiful. He was lucky to know him. He brought Nico into a tight hug and they just stayed there for a while. Enjoying each other in the soft sunshine that surrounded them.

A/N this chapter is so cuteeeee I loved writing it.

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