Chapter 20

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Will sat in his bed staring in awe at the text that had popped up on his home screen ten minutes ago.

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for opening up to me today. Here is the address and information of an ED specialist. You have an appointment every Thursday for the next year, the cost has been handled. I said I would help you and I will. Please be safe. I care about you.

Will's heart had never felt so full in his entire life. His chest ached and it felt like at any moment he would shatter into a million pieces. He didn't know what about Nico made him so vulnerable but it felt like the rock solid exterior he had built up over his entire life was suddenly translucent and paper thin. And strangely, it was the best feeling ever.

As his eyes followed the blinking blue cursor that was trapped inside the text box, he thought of what to respond with. He knew that there was no possible way he could fit all of his gratitude into one message so he settled for a heart emoji and an "I can't wait to see you". Will would just have to say his many thanks after the weekend was over and he got to see Nico again. Suddenly, two days felt like two years.

Will glanced down as his phone buzzed in his lap. Another text from Nico making his heart skip a beat. It was a picture of Nico glaring at the camera with his hand held up, showing his unpainted nails.

These must be done. It is a crime for them to be so bare and naked.

Will laughed out loud at Nicos dramatization. An Idea popped into Will's head, getting him excited. He took a picture of himself smiling at the camera with nail polish in his hand.

Home over here tomorrow thennnn. I wanna see you :)

Will smiled at his phone as he and Nico texted back and forth, making plans for the next day. Once the plan was made, Nico and Will would have a sleepover at his house, Will got up to get ready for bed. He saw the time on his clock was 10pm, and he suddenly realized how tired he was. Will quickly got into bed, eager for the day that awaited him tomorrow.

Time Skippiepoo

Will sat on his couch anxiously waiting for Nico to arrive. They had the house to themselves for the sleepover because Naiomi and Will's step dad were visiting their grandparents in Kentucky. If Will was being honest, the thought of Nico and him being in a house together alone all night made him slightly flustered. He definitely hadn't dreamt about Nico last night or anything silly like that.

He heard a knock on the door, and jumped up quickly to open it. When he did, he saw Nico there with his hair pulled back in a ponytail. It looked hot. Very hot.

Will reached up and tucked a loose strand behind Nico's ear, smiling as he said

"Your hair has gotten so long my gosh." Nico smiled sheepishly.

"That bad huh?" He said fiddling with the sleeve of the flannel he was wearing. Will recognized it to be his own.

"No no no I really like it, especially when it's up like that it looks good on you." Will noticed a small blush creeping up the dark haired boy's cheeks before Nico turned away, clearly hiding a grin.

"Whatever, shut up and let me in your house loser." Will yelped in surprise.

"Oh shit yeah! Come on in."

After Will showed Nico around his room and the rest of the house they made mac and cheese and played video games in Will's room. After that, Will got out his nail polish and instructed Nico to sit on the floor.

"I'm so excited! This is gonna be so cute." Said Will, unable to stop himself from grinning. He looked up from Nicos hand to see that he was staring at him, his chocolate brown eyes soft and a small smile playing on his lips. They held eye contact for what seemed like an eternity, the tension between them palpable. It took everything Will had not to climb on top of Nico and place his lips on his. The strange thing was, it looked like those thoughts were the same ones going through Nicos head too. Will broke eye contact first, refocusing on Nicos nails. He shook his head, trying to get the image of his best friend out of his mind.

Once they were finished with Nico's nails, Will took pictures of course, Nico dragged Will to the bathroom insisting that his makeup must be done.

"I am basically a makeup artist. You're gonna look gorgass babee." Nico said in a goofy accent as he pushed Will down onto the toilet seat and grabbed his eyeliner.

"Oh god, I'm scared." Will muttered, knowing full well that all he was was excited. He grabbed his phone and put on a dramatic classical playlist as Nico got to work.

'Ooh romantic music." Nico said cuckling. It was a joke, obviously but that didn't stop Will from noticing that it was in fact a very romantic playlist.

As Nico worked on the eyeline they made small talk and just enjoyed each other's company. After a little bit Nico spoke up.

"Okay. Very important question. Do. You. Want. Sparkles." Nico said, giving Will a very serious look.

"Um yeah obviously." Will said, rolling his eyes as he smiled.

"Okay okay good." Said Nico, grabbing the eyeshadow from his bag. Will closed his eyes, waiting for the tickle of the brush. Before it came he felt the weight of Nico on his lap, straddling him. Will's eyes flew open. For a second, Will couldn't think of anything except the fact that Nicos face was close to his. Then, he met Nicos eyes. The both of them had seemed to realize what Nico had done at the same time. He had obviously just wanted to get a better angle on Will's eyes but that was not the outcome. And Will did not want him to leave. Nico stuttered something out as Will swallowed down the nervousness that was building in his throat. It's now or never he thought, gently placing hands on Nico's small waist.

"I'll stay if you stay." He said, staring into Nicos eyes, trying to say a thousand words with one look.

There was a moment of silence before Nico put his arms around Wills neck, quickly closing the space between their bodies. And their lips. Will gasped. This kiss was nothing like the drunk and sloppy one they had shared during a game of truth or dare. This was electric. And Will couldn't get enough. Their lips and tongs moved together, exploring every inch of each other. Will gripped Nicos hips tighter, pulling him in as close as possible. They stayed like that for a very long time until they finally broke apart. Will felt like his universe had been completed. He wanted to do that everyday of his life. Multiple times a day if possible. All the pent up energy and emotion he had for Nico was spilling out in buckets, and there was no way to return it.

"I've been waiting to do that for a while now." Will said, a playful grin on his face and he brushed his thumb against Nico's warm cheek. Nico shook his head, grabbing Will's hair at the nape of his neck.

"Shut up." He said, before their lips crashed into each other again.

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