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Link's POV

     Finished. At long last.

     I stood outside of Gerudo Town, Urbosa's final words echoing through my ears.

     Vah Naboris' heavy feet stomped through the sands of the desert as it took its place, the final of the holy four. 

     I had ground for shrines, making myself more powerful, to finish the Divine Beasts as soon as possible. I had put my memories at the back of my head for the moment being, intent.

     I could feel the Princess weakening. Her sobs tore through my broken sleep, the flash of gold making me wake up suddenly in cold sweat.

     I knew that time was running out. It didn't matter what I did, if the Princess fell, Hyrule was doomed. 

     Vah Rudania of fire was directly after Vah Ruta, the spirit of Daruk welcoming and friendly. He had called me "little guy" and "brother". 

     He was once my friend. My confidante. My partner who would always watch my back. It was... comforting, to know that I once had someone like him. 

     His spirit lived on in my memory.

     And then swiftly followed Vah Medoh of the air, its shrieks piercing, shaking me to the soul. Revali had hated me, but at least I was used to that. The Yiga hated me. The monsters hated me. Most of the Hylian race was suspicious of me, my lack of satisfactory personal information, the way I couldn't even provide a last name. It wasn't like I could blame them. These were dangerous times.

     Revali was very similar to the Princess, I found. Both were jealous of me. Both were quite arrogant sometimes. Both despised me with passion, at least in the beginning.

     I smiled at the memory of Revali. He had been forced to admit that he needed me after all. I had won his respect.

     Finally, of the harsh winds of the desert, of the still, dangerous sands, Vah Naboris. Thunderblight Ganon was the most difficult boss I ever had to encounter, but the experience of the other blights and the encouragement from Urbosa gave me a slight edge in battle. 

     I had not gotten to know Urbosa very well before the Calamity hit, but her love of Zelda, her gentle leadership, her prowess in battle, she was someone to look up to.

     I regretted that I had never gotten to remember what it was like to battle by her side.

     And Hylia. The cross-dressing. 

     Never mind. I am not going to talk about the cross-dressing.

     Anyhow, finished. The Divine Beasts had resumed their rightful place in the four corners of the world. The Champions were finally free.

     I had repaid them, canceled out my wrong of not being there to save them. I could finally escape the guilt.

     The Princess spoke to me again. I haven't heard her voice in so long. She had acknowledged my efforts, and told me that I was ready. 

     I wasn't ready. A crucial part of me was missing.

     The Master Sword. 

     I knew where it was. It was rather obvious, the way the forest was named, how everyone who lived around that area spoke of something... mysterious surrounding it. I knew, from the rumors flying around of a legendary sword that slept in the heart of a forest.

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