Plan C.L.A.S

7 2 0

Sparrow rested on the wall that enclosed the group of 30 or so children into a grass field, a small cabin filled with bunk beds and a terrible sink, a bathtub in a tree, and a table with no chairs.

Sparrow looked up and yelled, "Hey Sir! Can ya give me a piece of paper and a pencil?" A guard popped his head over the tall wall.

"Sorry lass, you can't write to your people. It's not allowed."

Sparrow pretended to laugh. "I am not going to make a letter, I just want to draw and do some origami." the guard thought for a moment.

"Well, I suppose that couldn't hurt. Gimmie a sec will ya?" Sparrow waited patiently for the guard to come back. The guard leaned over and dropped a piece of paper down It floated silently like a feather from a big bird. "Watch out!" He said. Sparrow backed up. The guard dropped a pencil down. Sparrow walked over and picked it up.

"Thank you!" She said as she skip-walked over to the table. Then she started writing.

Dear Gem Girl,

It's Sparrow. I'm Ok. Gem Girl, I don't know where I am, how I got here, and what I need to do to get out. I have two allies, Rain and Mouse, that I also need to save. Their old names were unknown, and the people that stole them called them 27 and 30, the order in which they were taken. Their number is on their clothes. My number is 40. That means that these people stole at least 40 people, maybe even more. And from what Mouse and Rain tell me, children 1-19 have been taken from our area by the guards that watch over us and they have never returned. Rain said that she once heard the guards talking about it. Rain also knows what the people do to the kids. If you want me to tell you, this will be a long letter. I don't have much space, but I will try to fit it all in. I have two stories, which most kids call legends, but in every legend, there is some truth. at least that what my mom says. I don't exactly know how you will get this letter, but, I guess it's worth a shot. Anyway, the two Legends...

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