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Swan charged through the iron doors. Gem, Sparrow, Mouse, and Rain are on the floor. There was a book in the middle of them, with a gold thread binding it shut. Rain moved her hands from her eyes, but still barely moving. Sparrow moved her head to her arm ever so slightly. Mouse must have clutched his ears very hard, because now when he moved them just barely,  Swan could see he had drawn blood. But Gem Girl was pale and still. At that moment, nothing else mattered to Swan but her little sister. She ran to her and clutched her small, cold hand. "You always come back." Swan cried. "You said- you said you would always come back." Her voice cracked and Swan didn't even notice the pools of makeup streaming down her face, which was very unlike her. "You're supposed to come back!" she yelled at Gem Girl's cold, sad face. Swan couldn't breathe. Swan remembered the one thing that her parents said to do if Tommy, Gem Girl, or Swan herself ever got kidnapped. Call 911. Swan pulled out her phone and typed the three digits she thought she would never have to touch. "911- Save my sister. She needs so much help. I need you to come right now and save my little sister. I can't tell if her heart is working. Please, save my little sister." Swan sobbed into her phone. Swan told them the address of the monstrous place and the cops said they would come. But to Swan, it felt like they weren't going to come. They took so long. Every minute Gem had to hold on to her very life while Swan had to just sit and watch. Gem Girl's very life depended on these people that were supposed to come to get her and they weren't coming fast enough. "You said you would always come back," Swan whispered. Swan said it again and again and again, till she too had trouble breathing.  

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