Plan Guard Swap

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"Hey, Mr. Willis-Guard-Ocean?" Sparrow called, Doing her best to sound non-threatening, and trying to contain the anger she had for the guards, the same guards who killed 41 and took away 20.

"Yeah?" The guard said. "Can you come down here? Rain wants to meet you. Also, if you could introduce Mouse to one of your friends that'd be nice too. Oh, and me of course, I'd like to see one of your friends as well." Sparrow said. Rain and Mouse stood beside her, Mouse contemplating his life, Rain jumping out of her shoes with excitement and determination. 

"Sure thing 40," Ocean said, and winked at Rain. Sparrow knew that Rain could barely contain rolling her eyes in disgust and mumbled 'I'm twelve. Get a grip.', and Sparrow could barely contain her laughter until she remembered what his friends did, and her small amount of joy became tinted with the salt and sadness of witnessing a child die due to a guard just like this one. Ocean's Blue eyes and almost-white hair dipped from view, and a second later appeared again behind her, accompanied by a red-haired girl wearing the same jumpsuit, saying 'HI I AM... WILLIS' on it. The Girl had eyes that matched her hair, fiery red and unnatural looking,

"Hey, Ocean and company!" Sparrow said.

"Hi," Willis said.

"Hallo," The redheaded girl said. "Hey," the third guard said. As he came closer, Sparrow could make out what he looked like. The other boy had dark brown curls and green eyes. He also wore the same jumpsuit, with the same 'HI I AM...WILLIS' on it. Sparrow frowned.

"How do you know which one of you is which?" She said.

"We look at our faces, obviously," the redhead said.

"Yeah, but you are all named Willis, What do you call each other?"

Curls thought for a moment. "Well, We call each other 1, 8, and 19."

Rain sucked in her breath. "Why?" She said nervously.

"Well, because..." Ocean said.

"Because..." the boy with curls said.

"Well. Where's the cool paper I need to deliver?" Golden-eyed Willis said.

"Oh. Right." Sparrow said. She dug into her jumper's pocket like it was really down deep. "Here!" she said, pulling her hand from her pocket, but instead of holding a piece of paper, she held her hand in a fist. Rain, Mouse, and Sparrow leaped at the guards and ferociously tackled them. Sparrow Tackled the other Male Willis. He was only about 15, with black eyes and blonde hair. Sparrow swatted his walkie-talkie out of his hand. This was going perfectly.

Ok, It's me again. Willis. You have a question, don't you? Why are they all named Willis? Don't ask me. I can get cranky sometimes when people start learning things I don't want them to. Why do you need answers? Can't you just be my friend and not ask questions? I hate questions. They make me feel nervous and not good and not the Willis I thought I was. What kind of friend wants you to feel not good and not the Willis you want to be? A bad friend. Go sit in the shame corner. You hurt my feelings.

Mouse, Sparrow, and Rain Walked out the iron door like superheroes. They were wearing Ocean Willis, the Willis with curly hair, and Firey female Willis' Clothes. Nobody would even know who they were because Rain even did her hair up as Female Willis did...well, they probably would notice if they cared to study each of their faces, or maybe look at the hair and eye color's, but this plan was the only plan that would work.  The three of them walked casually out of the door, and for the first time in 5 days, Sparrow was free. For the first time in 9 years, Rain and Mouse were free. But the trio didn't have time to feel accomplished. "Where are you three going?" A guard said. Weirdly enough, His uniform also had the name, Willis.

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