The world is in the hands of four children

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Mouse and Sparrow carried the heavy gem into the beam. They placed it into the blue glowing light and it gently bobbed up and down, hovering slightly. Gem Girl took the book out of the cupboard and put it in the beam. It floated above the Gem. The purpura floated to the top. Rain looked at the other beams. "We might die right now." Mouse said, not even trying to hide his fear.

"Mouse, We might die tonight, but then it would be just us. I feel like dying would be better than witnessing everyone around you become..." Rain gestured to the rasping monsters that were once regular humans. Mouse nodded.

"I'll go first." Mouse said, braver than he had ever said anything before. She looked at the icons below them. The farthest one had a little mouse on it.

"Mouse. That's yours." She said. Mouse ran over to the beam and stepped into it. The beam glowed a darker blue color, it was still light blue, but it was just a bit darker now that it was occupied, and the white iron platform Mouse stepped on was smooth, with an icon of a mouse in the center, which was very nice for mouse, who had lost his shoes a long time ago. Once he got into the beam, he turned around and watched the two scientists come closer and closer. Rain looked at the next icon. "Sparrow. That one." Sparrow ran over to the beam on the left side of the main one. 

"For 41," she whispered as she stepped into the beam.

"Gem Girl, the one over there." Rain said. Gem Girl went over to the one closest to the main beam on the right side. Rain then quickly ran to the beam far right of the main one with the book, Benitoite, and Purpura. Rain saw herself, Sparrow, Gem Girl, Mouse, the Benitoite, the Purpura, and the book glowed the darker light blue color, matching the beams. The glowing Darkness that called itself Willis screamed. It threw itself so hard against its glass jar that it fell over and broke into a million pieces. Willis Flew uncontrollably into each of the children's chests, and then finally into the book, where the Benitoite and Purpura mixed, creating a golden thread that wrapped itself around the book, trapping Willis in. Willis couldn't speak. Willis couldn't talk. Willis was just a piece of a writer's imagination, whose story was locked safely in the hands of fantasy. 

"We..." Gem Girl started to say, but at that moment, the beam's released them, and the children fell from the platforms, battling with the glowing darkness inside of them.

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