Jerry's Gem

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In New Orleans, there was a jewelry store. Its paint job was very outdated, but it was a pretty color of grey. It was the smallest store in New Orleans, but one of the most prized possessions in the world sat in its very center. The biggest piece of bentonite ever known to people. Go ahead and look it up, it's beautiful. Of course, it was highly protected. Lasers all around, many guards armed to the brim. Of course, only the janitor could steal it.

Jerry had his mop in his hand, dancing around the room. A big bucket of water sat by his moving feet. Jerry was a bit clumsy and tripped over the mop and his foot flew out to catch himself, but it tipped over the bucket and all the soapy water flew out. With a great thud, Jerry came flopping down on top of the big puddle. He sighed as he mopped up all the water. But the water kept coming out of the mop, and eventually, he was mopping the carpet. Jerry was told never to come within eye-distance with the big gem, but he was paying attention to mopping, so he didn't notice when he bumped into the wall next to the beautiful benitoite. Jerry turned and saw it. Benitoite practically glows with beauty, and that much of it was the most beautiful thing Jerry had ever seen, and he had seen every gem that the store had except for that one. Jerry was enchanted. He made up his mind to get the gem, whatever it took.

The next day, Jerry calmly mopped, and swept, and picked up garbage just like he normally did. The time came when the day was over. Jerry had access to all the rooms except the room with the Benitoite, but Jerry had a plan. Jerry quietly went into the kitchen and picked up a frying pan and put it in his water bucket so nobody would notice it. Then, he strode up to the guards that stood watch beside the glass doors.

"Good day, folks!" Jerry chirped.

"You're not supposed to be here..." said the guard. Jerry read his nametag.

"hey...I know you...Darwin! How good to see you!"

"Jerry? Is that you? Long time no see!" The friends caught up and enjoyed themselves but Jerry did not forget his mission. As Darwin elaborated on a story he heard from his travels, in one swift movement Jerry knocked both guards out with the soapy frying pan. Jerry was unbalanced by the swing and fell down right into the bucket. As Jerry slowly got up, he stepped on his mop and it hit him on the forehead. Jerry wandered around with his hands over his face and accidentally went into the Benitoite room. In a flash, all the guards were on high alert. But years of dancing with a mop saved him. Jerry wandered around the room, hitting guards with the frying pan and the mop handle as he went, Dodging the lasers and pushing his bucket of water all the way. In one last leap, he stole the jewel. Jerry ran out the door. Dropping the jewel into the water bucket, Jerry looked around for a place to run or hide. The sidewalks were crowded because there was some store that had a sale for 50% off. Jerry ran right into the street and picked up the water bucket. Cars swerved around him. One car tried to swerve but didn't have time so Jerry used his mop as momentum and leaped over it. Jerry didn't even notice the big pothole on the left side of the road as he leaped to it and fell right in. Jerry heard motorcycles. Those motorcycles were the jewelry stores' motorcycles. They were looking for him. But Jerry could hold his breath no longer and surfaced. He opened his eyes and looked right into the eyes of Darwin. They looked at each other for just a second, but it seemed to be forever. Finally, Darwin reacted. Darwin put his mouth to the walkie-talkie ever so slowly. Jerry picked up his mop from the muddy water. Keeping it submerged in the water, Jerry dropped the bucket with the gem in it and took a slow step forward. Then, again, Jerry used his dancing methods. Jerry leaped out of the water and thwacked Darwin on the head. Darwin fell off his motorcycle. Jerry took Darwin's walkie-talkie and, in his best impression of Darwin said, "All clear here, I guess we should head back." Jerry hauled Darwin back on his motorcycle, rotated it so that The wheels were facing the jewelry place, and turned on the engine. Darwin woke up halfway through but Jerry had thumped his head so hard he didn't remember that he had found him. Darwin rode back as clueless as the rest of the cyclists.

Jerry managed to get back home with the gem. It became his prized possession until he sold it for as much as the lottery. Jerry became a dancer and soon taught others in his studio. Jerry bought another big gem and kept it safe in his closet. Of course, it was only the cleaning lady who could steal it!   

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