Between Two Worlds

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I can breathe again

I can feel again

I can see again

But can I be alive?

Or is this the other side,

If there is such a thing.

While I was there,

In that place between two worlds,

I couldn't even feel time passing by.

The other side,

It is peace,

But also nothingness.

Not an emptiness,

Just, as if you are in the deepest part of sleep

Those hours where you were sure you were not even there

Those hours you can't recall

Those hours that didn't happen.

But you wake up.

I woke up.

I had to.

I always come back.

But how did I survive?

it wasn't the doctors who are responsible,

It was the very thing that did its best to kill my soul.

There are Gems in my heart.

There are wings in Sparrow's arms.

There are Mouse ears in Mouse's ears.

There are rain droplets in Rain's eyes.

Sparrow has wings.

Mouse has super hearing.

Rain can see things nobody else can see.

And me?

What could a thief turned hero possibly have?

how would Gems powering my heart give me strength?

I can see the weight of good in people,

and the weight of bad in people.

And I am the only one

That talks to Willis, from my own patient's bed

and I hear what they have to say

and in each of their responses to me,

I can see the good in him.

It's not a lot of good.

Willis thinks he is good.

Willis tries to be good.

But at heart, Willis isn't good.

Willis, the synonym for mistakes,

Willis, the synonym for feeling right, even when you're wrong,

Willis, the synonym for unknowingly ending the World,

Willis, the synonym for knowing what you are doing,

Knowing you are wrong,

But doing it anyway.

Willis, the synonym for greed.

Willis, the synonym for Humanity. 

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