A very Loud Stealth Mission

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Stop reading this. I don't like what's happening. Stop it. I told you to sit in the shame corner and you instead came back to read my book. I thought we were friends. Friends should obey one another. You aren't listening to me. Go away right now. You read so much, why do you need to know more? If you aren't going to sit in the shame corner, at least be away from my book. You are violating my privacy.

When they had come back to get Mouse and the other children, Swan said that she would free the imprisoned kids, and Rain and Sparrow went to look for Mouse. Gem Girl watched them go, pulling various thievery objects from various nooks and crannies of Swan's car.

 Instead of the two redheaded children huddling by a curb, they found a white-eyed girl with fiery red hair holding a limp mousey-looking boy like a ragdoll at the steps of a huge building overlooking the prison before the door to the massive stronghold closed. Sparrow and Rain walked confidently toward the huge building that almost certainly held Mouse captive. Rain Burst through the doors angrily, but as silently as possible. This was a stealth mission. Sparrow trailed behind Rain's angry wake. Two guards walked through a hall. Sparrow hid behind a trash can and Rain swirled behind a wall. The guards were not going to get away with this. Rain looked like she was about to sneeze, but just as Sparrow thought their cover was blown, Rain seemed to contain herself. The two girls exhaled thankfully, but they let their guard down too soon, and in their moment of relief, Rain sneezed. loudly. 

The guards turned the corner to Sparrow's hiding spots. Rain realized what was about to happen and sprang into the first guard, surprising him and smashing his face in with her fist. Sparrow, on the other hand, was just as surprised as the guard and stayed in her hiding spot a moment too late, and so it was Rain vs. Two guards until Sparrow reacted to what was happening. It was only a few seconds before she was at Rain's side, but that was all the guards needed. 

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