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I sit in the car for 2 minutes after I found all my equipment.

I do my best to convince myself that I can do this,

that I can actually save these kids,


I am a thief.

Not a hero.

How am I supposed to be the good guy?


I'm doing the same thing I always do.

I am stealing. 

I am stealing the children from these criminals.

The back of my mind keeps telling me

'You do the same thing as they do.'

I can't get it out of my head. 

sure, they steal children,

but stealing is stealing.

what makes me better?

I am a thief for god's sake,

This should be a piece of cake.

In and out.



Having a child's life on the line

Makes this 10 times harder to brush off.


having more than one child's life on the line 

makes this 20 times harder to brush off.


having my best friend's life on the line

makes this 30 times harder to brush off.


having my own sister's life on the line 

makes this 40 times harder to brush off. 

so in all, that's 100 times.

100 is practically impossible.

But I am the only one who will do this.

There isn't a backup for me.

I am the backup.

So I get out of the car.

So I walk over to the building.

But by the time I am at Sparrow's side,

I can already tell they are not going to make this out.

Rain does the only thing she can do,

A desperate attempt,

But it was an attempt.

She leaps at the guards.

Not again.

I see in slow motion

One guard moves away from the fight

Takes out a small tube

Puts it to her lips


This time,

It won't be me who goes free.

I leap,

And in a desperate attempt to catch the dart in midair,

What I know would happen happens.


The corridor is too fuzzy to see

And though I strain my eyes to keep them from closing,

I can't avoid it.

Everything is dark now.

I don't dream.

I thought I would,

I thought I might dream about pigs.

or unicorns.

or blobfish.

what's the plural of blobfish?

But no.

I don't dream.

It's as if that part of my life never happened. 

But when I wake up again, I wish I was dreaming.

But it wouldn't be a dream.

It would be a nightmare.

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