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Hi. It's me again. I am sorry. I got mad at you for reading this wonderful book, but really I am just ashamed of my mistakes. My mistakes were so small, so what does it matter, right? I am going to keep doing what I know is right because in the end, everything, everything, will be ok. In fact, when it's all over, you probably won't remember this in the first place.

The first thing I realize after that dart wears off

Is that my hands are bounded above me

On a wooden board

And my feet

Are a mirror image.

The room is so fuzzy

But not like a blanket,

It's fuzzy

Like what you see when you cry

From the tiny slits your eyes become when tears come.

I see Rain

I see Sparrow

I see Mouse

They are bound just like me,

Like time froze when they were doing a jumping jack.

There are cells

5 cells

Lined up against the wall.

There are blue-ish lights coming from them.

there are icons on the platforms underneath the light.

it's a dark room,

the lights have been shattered.

It used to be much brighter,

but the only light is coming from the beams...

or so I thought.

I look closer at my surroundings,

and I find more lights. 

It's the oddest thing,

in a jar

there is darkness.

but it glows.

and then, 

something in the corner gives me chills.

it's a pile of what looks like two bodies

and their eyes are glowing red.

And to my horror

It was the creepiest thing I have ever witnessed.

Until they moved.

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