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Sparrow was introduced by Rain to the other children in the small prison. There was a young boy, maybe ten years old, with pale blue eyes, white-yellow hair, and was named '41' that was brought in. Sparrow watched as three huge fifteen-year-old boys with brown and red hair and various shades of greenish-blue eyes helped 41 and showed him around. She watched them fondly, but then the boys saw something and they tensed up. Sparrow instinctively moved closer to Rain, who was also looking worried. 

"C'mon," Rain said and gripped Sparrow's and Mouse's wrists, walking over to the boys. "28," She said, looking at a red-haired boy with navy eyes. "Get the other's, I'll watch over this little guy," Rain said, putting an 'everything's okay, you're fine' face on when she looked at the little boy. Rain looked at a burly black-haired boy. "26," She said, looking the boy in his eyes that matched his hair. "find 20," she said. Then Rain looked at the final boy. "31. When 28 brings the rest of us, you get them into a circle around 20, 40, and 41." The boy called 26 nodded. Sparrow found herself being herded into the middle of a tight circle, with a man, maybe 17 years old, and a child, the ten-year-old boy. 

"40..." 20 said, "stay safe." 20 looked at Sparrow with his golden-green eyes. Sparrow nodded, but regretted that the moment she saw the large stream of guards filing into their prison, marching over to their circle. Guards pushed their way through the kids, coming from all sides and closing Sparrow, 41, and 20. "I..." Sparrow said, unable to form words. "Just don't get in the way when they take me, and you will be fine." 20 said, obviously trying to sound brave, but failing when his voice cracked mid-way through.  Sparrow rested a hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay," She said, reassuring herself just as much as she was reassuring him. 20 gulped and nodded. The guards had broken through the outer circle, and 41 and Sparrow were the only things left that stood between them and 20. Sparrow backed 20 into the corner of the prison, punching any guard that tried to come closer. Sparrow was about to punch an especially annoying guard when he slumped to the floor without any of Sparrow's help. She turned to see 41 with a blood-spattered fist holding a key that he had apparently used to stick the guard in the stomach. "Holy..." Sparrow said as 41 slashed another guard in the face. 

Sparrow and 41 worked together, knocking out guards as fast as they could, but before long they were circled completely in a tight crowd with only four guards between them to show for it. there were about 12 young but burly guards left. Sparrow felt muscled hands gripping her arms and lifting her up out of the air. She struggled and twisted as the guard gripped her arms, and flung herself around trying desperately to get free, and just as she thought she wouldn't be able to get out of his grip, his hands released her, and for a fraction of a second, she thought she was free until she found her head colliding with a wall. Her head felt fuzzy, and she watched helplessly as 41 fought bravely, but Sparrow watched in horror as one of the guards brandished a small blade. Sparrow tried to stop the terrible thing that was about to occur but she didn't make it in time. while 20 struggled to get free, one of the guards holding him fell into 41, pushing them both backward, toward the guard with the knife. In just one moment, the guards had sandwiched 41 into the knife, driving it into his chest. 

Time slowed. 41 gasped and looked at the dagger, touching the wound with two fingers and looking at the blood before looking at his murderer. 41 stumbled back a few paces before thudding to the ground. with that, the seconds resumed, making everything seem like it sped up back to normal time again. Sparrow rushed over to 41 and cradled his hand. 41 tried to speak but instead of words coming out of his mouth it was blood. Sparrow checked where the dagger pierced, and to her horror, it was perfectly positioned in the upper left part of 41's torso, fatally piercing his heart. "41...," Sparrow said, her tears falling on his cold cheeks. 41's eyes clouded, midway through a tear, forever holding his sadness. Sparrow used her thumb and her finger and willed her hand to stop shaking as she closed his eyes. "May you rest in peace," Sparrow whispered.

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