The Truth about Willis

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Two creatures sat in a pile in the corner of this room. Sparrow could just make out that they were breathing. It was unsettlingly raspy and slow as if each breath was taking away oxygen instead of giving it. Suddenly, They opened their eyes. Or at least, one of them did. The other opened his eyelids and revealed his eye sockets. It was like a car crash, it was so gruesome, but she couldn't look away. The creature's eyes and eye sockets glowed a flickering dark red. Then, the pair slowly sat up. Their heads lolled and it was as if there was an invisible string tied to their chest that moved them. Then they stood up, not using their hands or feet, it was like they were pulled. As the two dragged their feet and almost floated out of their dark corner, Sparrow could see what they looked like. The creature was a woman, or, somewhat woman. You could only tell that she was human because of the creature's face. Her hair was knotted in an irriversable knot, and there were octopus arms wrapping around her head and covering her mouth. A single tear hung suspended from her eyelash. Her arms had been ripped out of her body, replaced with tentacles. She wore a tattered ripped bloodstained lab coat, with shattered glass tubes in what was left of her pockets. Her legs were made out of sea urchins and barnacles. Every time she moved, the urchins would scream and the barnacles would scratch the ground, making the sound that happens when you run nails over a chalkboard. As the other creature moved into sight, Sparrow could tell that it used to be a man, but now it was more like a carcass. He had no eyes, instead, just holes that opened up to the other side of the room. His mouth was completely destroyed, leaving only a bloody goop of a tongue. The creature's arms and legs had no flesh, revealing maggot-infested bones covered in dry blood. He wore a lab coat that was soaked with blood and even more out of shape than the female scientist-monster.

"What are you going to do with us?" Rain said, barely containing her anger.

"I...Sssuppose this wouldn't hurrrt...." The Female Creature said. "We are planning to make billions upon billions of Willis'. Alll Willi has jobss. Thosse jobss are to Capture awaiting Willi, and Guard awaiting Willi. All we have to do to create the 'curre' and get Willis into people by combining Benitoite, Purpuracalius Marsinium, and a prick of Willis' blood into a fflask. Then we inject as many patients as posssible." The male Creature looked over to a large jar. Inside was something impossible, but Sparrow found herself staring directly at...glowing darkness.

"What happened to you?" Gem Girl said, finally able to speak about their physical -and mental- state.

"You see, we sstarted as sscientists. We were tessting on various objects to create a curre for Cancer. Another little boy had died from it, and we ssciences were trying every possible way to make this sstop. We tried one more time to create a cure, and we tessted on a book, a gem, a rain droplet, a mouse, and a Sparrow. The book wrote neww thingss when tessted upon, in bold letterss. I got skin cancer, and he got lung cancer. We were going to die. Sso, we took our untested cure. We were curred, but with vvery big sside effectss..."

"Once we took the antidote, we were curred of cancerr, but we were in the first stages of Willis. In the beginning, all that wass wrong with us was that we couldn't control our coughing, vomiting, hunger, and thirst. We werre always cold, and always tired. They quarantined us in our rooms, but we grew worse. We did things because a 'voice told us in our headss. They kept a chain on us from that day on, but one day I thought I was sleeping, and I actually allmosst killed another scientisst. I wass afraid of drownning, and whenever I went to ssleep, I would drown. I became sleep-deprived, and for almost six hours I could not control what I was doing. Every time Willis visited me to control my body, I would see my sskin turn to tentacles and I could not breathe...Oone day, Willis came and I wwas my nightmare... Noww, at stage twenty eight, I am only myself for a few minutess. I fear, that I will eventually be engulfed in my nightmare..." Though the woman was crying, her tears did not fall. Her human body was frozen in time, forever suspending her tears.

"Where are the book, Gem, Mouse, Rain droplet, and Sparrow?"

I don't like this book. It shows the mistakes I have made and makes them sound like I am doing a bad thing. What did I do to deserve this? I am only trying to help them. They are living forever, right? They are supposed to be dead. My friends may feel like rag dolls, but I am keeping them alive. I am doing the right thing. I am helping them. I am helping your kind. Don't you want to live as long as I do? I can help you. Set me free from this book and I can help you. 

"I can help you live forever, like them, all you have to do is set me free. It's so easy, I just need to be free of the book, and then I can help you live forever," The glowing darkness that called itself Willis rasped.  While Willis spoke from his bottle, the creatures that were once dying scientists Relaxed, and looked more human. Sparrow realized that Willis could not posses them while Willis talked. The male creature moved to them and unbound their hands and feet. "T-the book, It's in the cupboard under the beam, and...The gem, the mouse, the sparrow, the rain droplet, that is you. The beams are there for you. Stand in them. Put the Benitoite, book, and Purpura in the center beam. Follow the pictures for you-" The scientist was cut off. His head lolled, and her eyes turned red, just as Willis stoped talking.

"Sstopp...themmm..." The male creature rasped, his voice intertwined with the voice of the glowing darkness'. The two creatures started moving forward slowly, their feet scraping the floor in a deathly way.

"Quick, Gem get the book. Rain, get the Purpura. Mouse, we need to get the gem. Willis has taken over the scientists." Sparrow said quickly. The four kids ran over to their assigned object that they needed to get, and all the while the two scientists got closer. 

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