You Said You Would Always Come Back

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Swan, my older sister.

Tommy, my little bro.



For the minute Willis was inside me,

My worst nightmare appeared.

It wasn't my death,

It was Swan's death.

It was Tommy's death.

It was Mom's death.

It was Dad's death.

Then, they were gone,

And all that was left was me,

In uncontrollable darkness,

And I realized,

I can't feel my heart moving.

I can't feel my life working.

And I can feel my life leaving,

But I remember

You wake up from nightmares.

You can't wake up from reality,

So you have to take the scraps of your life,

And keep them together.

And those seconds where I slowly fell from my beam

I realized

I have to hold on

Because Swan

She is waiting.

And I always come back.

I have to come back.

Because I always come back.

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