Chapter 3

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Tyra's POV

Why did I think it was a good idea to ride the bus?

Because someone was too lazy to drive, my inner consciousness taunted.

Ah that's true, I shrug to myself as I continue my trek towards Austen's home after getting down from the bus. Being the posh area, the nearest bus stand was almost a block away. And being the first week of August, the sun was shining way too brightly and making it way hotter than usual, especially for someone walking almost a block away.

Well if you are wondering why I am going there and not to Maggie's as decided, well -

Flashback Start -

The last bell for the day rang and for once I was happy, since I didn't have to go back to the empty home yet.

After putting my books away in the locker, I searched for Violet and it wasn't difficult to spot her. She was sweet but the royal aura she dissipated was enough for people to keep away from especially since she was dating the football captain.

"So what's the plan" I ask her when I reach her.

"Well we are meeting at Austen's by like 5-ish, so you can come directly there" Violet answered while my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I thought we were going immediately after" I ask as that's what Hayden told me during the computer class.

"We usually do but this time we got some lessons to teach Cara" Tristan adds on and I see the rest of the gang has arrived as well.

"To everyone that helped Veronica at that party" Ryan clarifies for my benefit.

"It needs to be reinstated you cannot mess with any one of us, be it jock or cheerleader" Violet replies firmly with a determined glint in her eyes.

"Okaay just don't do something that will get you in trouble" I put out my inner turmoil that was growing ever since they said about teaching a lesson, after all they were on school grounds.

A burst of laughter erupts from everyone while Austen has a small smile making its way.

"We are not a bunch of violent hooligans, contrary to what you think princess" Austen remarks with a smirk.

"Yeah we might have the muscle , but we play smart" Hunter adds, which kind of relaxes me.

Flashback end -

And that was the last I spoke to them before Violet messaged to let me know they had left school and will be reaching soon, that was my cue to reach as well.

By the time I reach the gates of Austen's property, I am a sweltering mess. But it's only when I reach the gates, that I release - Damn! Who will let me in!

I immediately dial Angel's number, but it keeps ringing and she doesn't pick up. I try twice again but my attempts go in vain. Next I try Violet's number, but she doesn't pick up as well.

On the other hand, as the minutes trick by, I could feel the heat of the sun taking its toll on me, and before I could do something else, darkness envelops my vision and a wave of dizziness hits.

I try to grab onto something to stabilize myself, but misjudge the distance and end up going full throttle towards the ground,

But alas! The ground wouldn't be so lucky to meet my behind today, as a pair of arms break my fall.

A pair of strong arms, my brain registers a few seconds later.

"Still falling for me Princess" a deep voice teases me, and I look at my saviour to find the blue eyed brunette that's been invading my thoughts a lot nowadays. Unlike at school, his face is much more relaxed, but still difficult to read.

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