Chapter 20

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Tyra's POV

The coming week passes in a blur. Being back to school was a chaos in itself, but I felt much calmer and relaxed than I had during the first month of the school. I met with Austen twice daily to dress his wounds but he never brought up the moments that seemed to pass between us whenever we were alone.

I guess he doesn't seem to notice it or feels the same, my subconscious speaks up to give me clarity but it depletes my heart a little.

It's Friday now, one week since the underground fight. I am on my way to our school's basketball match.

Austen and Tristan were part of the Basketball team and were already at school for the pre-game meeting. Violet had to practice with her cheerleading squad, which she wasn't thrilled about since Veronica was part of the squad and Ryan had post school practice for his football team as well. The twins had decided to skip the match as they had important preparations to make for their birthday party next week. That left me coming back to school for the match by myself.

As I parked the car, I got out in a hurry, fearing that I was late, and shut the door quickly as I stepped out. The moment I took a step away from my car, I distinctly heard a sharp tearing sound and whoosh of cool air great my back.

"Eeeips!" I squeal and take the step back to cover my back with the car's door. I slowly glided my hand to my back and confirmed what I had already dreaded, my t-shirt was torn at the back.

I couldn't go like this inside. Quickly I bring my phone out and dial Violet's number but it goes to voicemail. I stomp my feet in exasperation and try calling the rest of the guys who are in school, hoping anyone of them could help me reach Violet, but all in vain.

"Why god, why me," I vex while hitting the back of my head to the car's hood and looking at the sky for divine intervention.

Just when I resign myself to simply go home I hear someone holler my name across the parking lot.

"Thought it was you," I Tristan's voice as he stood next to me. I see he is already decked in his game gear and a team jacket pulled over it.

I would have jumped ahead to give him a hug in relief but my current condition pulled me back.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I should be asking you that, your match is starting soon," I retorted back.

"Yeah I forgot my cell in my car," he explains and I roll my eyes at him. No doubt he didn't answer my call.

I quickly explain my predicament to him and ask him to get Violet for him.

"The game is starting soon, she is in the middle of her cheer dance," he replies, further confirming why my call to her went to voicemail.

Just as I am contemplating going home, Tristan shrugs off his jacket and gives it to me.

"Wear this for now, and come on," he tugs my hand towards the school's basketball court, leaving no room for argument.


A dance performance, no wait, a perfectly synchronized dance performance. That's how it was watching the team play on the court.

The team or certain captain of theirs, my subconscious teases me.

There was no doubt that Austen's popularity wasn't just his looks and having a famous father. He had his skills backing it up. Tristan wasn't far behind too. Seeing them both play, assisting each other and in harmony showed their friendship transcends all levels.

And surprisingly I was really enjoying myself too. But I guess I spoke too soon.

It was during the break before the last quarter, there was just some casual commentary going on about one of the player's girl or something, which I didn't bother with until I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me.

Me? They were talking about me? But why! I internally panicked.

I looked around like a deer stuck in headlights and saw some girls glaring at my jacket.

Oh damn! I mentally curse and facepalm myself. Obviously they mistook me wearing the jacket for something more. I should really pay attention to these sports rules next time.

Shaking my head at them, all set to ignore now that I knew the reason, I turned my attention back to the court. There were 2 more sets of eyes looking at me, Tristan and Austen.

While one was with a calming smile, telling me to ignore and relax while the other was glaring at me in a way that made me want to hide myself.

And you can guess who was giving me which ones.


Remember how I had said I had spoken too soon, well it was the moment right now, Things went downhill fast for our school's team after the break. There were bad passes, missed throws and an Austen that looked visibly annoyed.

I didn't know much about their scoring system but it must be an important match for them to win if he was so on edge about it.

Just when I thought things couldn't get bad, one of the other players from opposing team managed to bash into Austen's side, the same side he had a wound on. He clutches his side in immediate pain and I am off my seat before I realize it.

The referee and coaches are on the court before a fight can ensue and Tristan uses that chaos to pull Austen towards the locker room.

Austen roughly pulls himself away from Tristan, leaving me surprised. Before I can process that, Ryan is already by my side, pulling me towards the locker room.

"The wound might have opened up, you will need to do the redressing," Ryan explains as walk in a daze with him. He leaves me at the entrance of the locker room and goes to get a first aid kit from his locker.

Just say I enter it, I hear shouts emerging from them, a verbal fight between Tristan and Austen.

"Thank god you are here," Tristan breathes a sigh of relief as he steps away from Austen who is standing shirtless. There is already redness seeping into the white gauze tape that I had dressed the wound with this morning.

"Please take care of the wound, I need to be back on the court for the final few minutes," Tristan says while retreating from the locker room.

"Are you sure you want to leave your girl alone with another half naked male," Austen almost sneers at Tristan that shocks me to the core.

He was hung up on the stupid commentary during the match?

"She is like family to me and even if she wasn't, I would still do," Tristan pauses and looks directly at Austen, "Cause you are my best friend and I trust you," he replies before leaving the locker room completely.

A curse leaves Austen's mouth and I see him curling his fist, as if to punch something.

I promptly pull his hand and push him to sit on a bench and get quietly working on doing the dressing. I just focus on the task at hand, still reeling from the shock and surprise of it all.

"You and Tristan.." Austen's voice breaks the silence in the room.

"There's nothing going on between us," is the only answer I give, "at least not the way you are thinking," I reply.

Silence continues to remain heavy in the room but suddenly, Austen seemed lighter.

x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note - Double update for today! We are almost in the final leg of the story. 

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