Chapter 4

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Tyra's POV

Toootu toootu toootu

The blaring noise from my alarm wakes me up the next day, although I still feel exhausted.

Well that's what you get for having extra fun last night, my inner conscious taunt me.

But guess what, I don't regret it one bit. Mind you not that kind of fun, cue mental eye roll.

The boys had continued their performance for quite a few songs before taking a short break, only for Tristan to call me up for impromptu performance, By then the crowd had slowly dwindled and he can be very persistent.

So he and I, blared our vocals and sang like no care in the world. He even picked the most fun song to duet to - Taylor's swift song ME. by the end of it we were dancing all round the stage, I even got Violet and Angel to come up and shake a leg with me.

Surprised? Don't worry, not just you and me, even the gang was a little shocked but I guess they were used to it by now.

Being with people that accepted me and knew cared for me without any mal intentions was comforting enough. It made me feel lighter and for once I did what I wanted without really thinking about the judgements, not that there was much of a crowd left of it anyways but still.

And now you are paying the price, my subconscious taunts yet again.


I quickly get ready for the day, this time, a simple top that is fitted till just below the chest and flares down. I paired it with black jeans and my usual sneakers. As for my hair, well ain't experimenting with that in school yet, especially with all the lab work for science classes, it's better up in a ponytail. After a quick breakfast of cereal, I am on my way out with my school bag and towards the bus stop. I was too lazy to drive to school everyday anyways.

After getting in the bus, I check my phone for messages and other social media to pass time until we reach school. People that know me, greet me but tend to sit alone as everyone has their own friends on the ride or just as the super seven pointed out, I tend to scare them away. Their loss!

"Is the seat taken?" A female voice startles me from my social media spree and I look up to see a girl, around my age with jet black hair and big pool of sharp black eyes.

"Nope. you can sit'' I say with a tentative smile and shift my bag from the sit to my lap. She returns my smile with a tentative one too.

The rest of the ride passes in silence, as I think about her name while she is talking to a boy sitting right across from her.

I mean she seemed my age so must be a senior too but then I would know her name at least right?

Well you aren't much of a social bee anyways, my subconscious gives her two cents and well she ain't wrong. So I just shrug and go back to replying in the group chat with the Super Seven.

When the school arrives, we get down immediately. I start making my way towards my locker but feel like someone's looking at me and hence I turn around to see the girl who was sitting next to me and the guy she was talking to, also walking behind me while the guy kept pushing the girl ahead towards me. She realises I have noticed and hesitantly walks towards me.

"Sorry for that. We actually transferred for the senior year, missed the orientation for the first day and now are totally lost. Could you please help us out!" She rushes the whole thing out together and my body relaxes knowing all they need is some help.

"Sure! I am Tyra by the way" I introduce myself and put my hands out for her to shake.

"Hey. Annabella here, and not the haunted doll. You can call me Anna or Bella or whatever you like other than my full name.!" she grumbles the last bit out and I can see the annoyance on the face. The guy she was with starts to laugh at that.

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