Chapter 1

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Tyra's POV


That's how drained I feel, and I am just done with the first half of the day of school after the summer holidays, the first day of senior year.

Senior Year, the final chapter of our high school has started. A year back, this is what I had been looking forward to, so that I could be done with it sooner than later. But now things had changed, not much but still there is now a silver lining to the dark clouds that were settled in my mind, all thanks to the new found friendship with the Famous Five and Violet and Angel (or the Super Seven, as I like to call them).

My journey to loving myself had already started, and now it was time to put it into play. For starters I wore a simple top unlike my usual t-shirts or sweaters I wore to school before. I also adored my ears with a pair of earrings, something I really liked but never did in school for the fear of being judged. Although I do admit I was a bit nervous entering the school. Lots of students greeted me as usual and I politely wished them back. Few of my teammates from the decathlon team did come by to say their hellos and hi's. Nothing unusual so far, even zero interactions with the Super Seven as usual.

I did not have any expectations regarding our new found friendship when it came to our interactions or lack of it during school hours. Our lives had been too parallel. Knowing I had selected all advanced placement classes, I knew I wouldn't be sharing any classes with any of them except the twins for Physics, Chemistry and Computers.

Putting all the thoughts aside, I arrived at my fav destination - Cafeteria! I quickly pile some food on my tray and go to my table near the window. You must be wondering, I am not the one of the populars then how do I have my table?

Well as you...

"Hey Tyra, do you mind if I sit here?" a soft voice breaks my inner monologue and I look up too to see Angel standing anxiously with her plate of food.

"Sure!" I replied to her back with a smile.

As she makes herself comfortable, I observe her. She looked a little dull from her usual chirpy self and I noticed she was wearing a turtleneck with full sleeves. I am not to update with the fashion trends, but I knew it was just too hot to wear them.

"Sorry to bother, I just didn't want to sit by myself for lunch" she squeaks, her voice almost wavering and that's when I see the whole picture.

Whatever happened at the end of the summer party was still affecting her. Her confidence and self esteem had taken a huge hit. I quickly place my hand over hers and try to comfort her,

"I thought we were friends?" I ask confusedly on purpose.

"We are..." she replies unsure of where the conversation is going.

"Well then friends always stick together. If they don't then they were never your friends in the first place" I motivate her and I can see a small smile making its way onto her lips. And next I am wrapped up in a tight hug. The hugs feel nice and warm, despite all the rage coursing through my blood for the people who hurt such an innocent girl, all for power.

"Where's my hug?" a voice startles us, and brings us back to reality and I see 3 new people slowly settling themselves around the table. I realise it was Tristan who asked that question and he had been accompanied by the twins. Angel greets them all but I could see some tension between her and Hunter. I guess the things between them were still unresolved after Angel bursted out on him for going to the party.

"Oh so we are sitting here?" another voice chimes in and I look around to see, Violet, Ryan and Austen making their way towards us.

"Um.. What are you guys doing here?" I ask them, as I see lots of heads were turning in our direction to see why the Super Five had abandoned their center table and sitting elsewhere.

"Obviously to dance Princess" Austen remarks a small smirk, and I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.

"And this table is way better than the center one, it was always so stuffy" Violet adds on with a smile.

"Don't overthink cara" Tristan whispers to me and I relax. There was something so familiar and safe about Tristan that I couldn't put my hand on.

I looked around the table, a nice chatters going on, it was still turning a few heads around the cafeteria, but I felt happy and calm.

"Why are you sitting on the side lines?" an annoyingly sweet voice breaks the calm, and we all turn our heads to the source of the voice, Veronica. Next to her I see my ex- best friends, Varicella and Pansy. Seeing them, I can already sense Angel cowering away and I put my hand on hers under the table to show support. For everyone else, I can already see the rage simmering in their eyes, even the ever so delicate Violet.

"Anyways, we don't ,mind sitting..." Veronica continues further and tries to settle herself down,

"Stop" I blurt out firmly,

"Excuse me" Veronica says in shock with her eyebrows raised.

"You are excused. Now go and find some other table" I order her not in the mood for her dramatics. I glare with equal intensity at Varicella and Pansy too, at least Pansy has the sensitivity to look shameful, while Varicella continues to look boastful.

I may no longer care about how they treated me, but their actions towards Angel could never be forgiven.

"What the...."

"You heard her. Now go" Austen finally speaks up. I can see his patience is hanging by the thread with his furrowed eyebrows.

In that instant I wanted nothing more than to straighten them, I sigh inwardly. Focus Tyra.

So instead of looking at the specimen that was slowly gaining a deeper space in my heart, I look back at the source of our anger. I could see Veronica now seething with anger.

"Whatever. I anyways don't want to sit with an attention seeking person just because her parents didn't love her enough to keep her" Veronica says looking directly at me, her revenge, are her unspoken words.

Shocked. That's all I am for the next few seconds. How did she know about adoption....

My gaze quickly goes to my ex best friends standing next to her, and Pansy couldn't even look above the ground. I can feel something akin to tears gather in my eyes but steel myself to not drop them.

My biggest weakness was laid out for everyone to judge..

"Leave" this time it's Violet who commands her, and I feel a tad bit better to see Varicella quiver a little bit. Serves her right.

I couldn't look at everyone at the table even though I could feel their gaze on me. I know everyone must have lots of questions for me but I was not sure whether I had answers for them.

"Tyra Stones, The principal wants to meet you" the peon says and gives me a little reprise before I gotta face them.

x   -   x    -   x   -   x   -   x    -   x    -   x    -   x    -    x    -    x

Author's Note - Tyra's truth is out! Well half of it anyways. Will she tell them the whole of it? and how will the gang react? Soon to know in the next chapter.

Till then so vote, comment & share.

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