Chapter 12

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Tyra's POV

"Why do I need to take a bath?" I whine while Austen gets some over the counter medication present at my home for cold and cough. Luck had been on my side as I had been able to convince Austen to help hide my truth in exchange for real truth later.

And apparently according to Austen, to convince the rest of our friend group that my parents not being here while their daughter was sick was no big deal was only by convincing them that I wasn't very ill. Which honestly I wasn't!

Yeah the thermometer and Austen had different thoughts on this, my subconscious smarts out and I mentally grumble at myself. Anyways, his plan of action included giving me medicines to lower the fever and make me look presentable which was yet again a blow to my self esteem.

But can you blame him? Bad hair check. Snotty nose check. Crumbled clothes check. Death and pale skin check. Way to make an impression on your crush Tyra, my subconscious taunts me while I wait for him to reply back.

But in a classic Austen manner, I received no reply except he shoved the medications in my hand. I silently take them but the moment I gulp down the first one, my stomach clenches and I double down groaning.

"Tyra, when was the last time you ate?" Austen growls, I don't need to look at him to know he is angry, each of his words was seething in anger.

"Saturday night I guess" I mumble looking down at the glass in my hand not wanting to face his wrath. From the corner of my eye I see him clench his fist and the feeling of foreboding sets in.

Immediately I grab his hand to stop him from whatever his anger fueled thoughts may direct him to do, "It's not a big deal..."

"Don't you dare finish the sentence" he abruptly cuts me off, but unclenches his fist to run his hand through his hair and is back to pacing.

"Do you have anything pre-cooked at home?" He questions me a few seconds later. I rack my brain to think if I would have anything but came up empty handed.

Obviously, you spent your meal prep day down sick, my subconscious rolls her eyes at me.

"There's some ready to eat packets in the kitchen" I supply instead of giving a completely negative answer.

"Umm.. what would the... I mean how difficult is it to make?" Austen hesitantly asks.

So there was finally something that the golden boy of Everthrone couldn't do, I think and a small smile graces my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Austen questions, a bit flustered.

"Nothing." I shrug back a reply but he knows that I have caught on to his lack of cooking skills.

"Whatever, just go take a bath, I'll figure it out" he says retreating from my room while a small laugh escapes my mouth.


"Darn, who knew bathing would be so exhausting" I huff as I plop down on my bed after taking a shower. Not that I would accept in front of Austen, his ego was already inflated enough, it did feel better after taking a bath.

"Told you, you'll feel better" I hear the voice of a smug Austen as he enters the room with a tray in his hand. I stick my tongue at him in defiance and he merely rolls his eyes.

"It's a little hot, let it cool down.." he starts whilst putting the tray on the nightstand near my bed, but abruptly stops in between and takes a double take at me, " why haven't you combed your hair yet?" he questions after looking at me.

"Because I am too exhausted" I simply answer, still spread out like a slime out on the floor but comfortably snuggled in my comforter.

Austen sighs in response and motions for me to sit upright and goes to the dresser table. I see him pick up a comb and hair tie and make his way back to me.

"I told you I am..."

"I'll comb your hair for you" He cuts me mid sentence and I am definitely left speechless after that.

Austen Marks, the golden boy of Everthrone, was going to comb my hair! Eeeps!

Apparently I was silent for too long as before I could say anything, he positioned himself beside me, turned my head sideways and got combing. I almost expect him to tug at my hair due to tangles but am met with only soothing and rhythmic motion of the comb bristles against my scalp. I almost doze off into daydreaming but his voice wakes me up.


"Wow, that's some neat work" I compliment after examining the pony in the mirror. There were no stray stands and it wasn't too tight either.

"Yeah got a lot of practice with Hope when she was younger" He says adoringly remembering his childhood days while my heart beats a beat faster and falls a tad bit more.

"Open your mouth" Austen's voice brings me out of my inner daze and I see him holding the spoonful of soup near my face to drink.

My cheeks instantly colour red at the thought of being fed by him but the exhaustion wins over embarrassment and I allow him to feed me the soup.

Are you sure you were falling only a tad bit more? My subconscious taunts but I ignore as we both know the truth well enough.

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