Chapter 5

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Tyra's POV

"Why are you nervous?" Bella asked as we took our seats on the stage for the decathlon.

Yes it had already been a month since school started. Bella aka Annabelle had wormed her way in my heart despite my initial hesitation. But her and the Super Seven were a whole different story.

My mind instantly reels back to the second day of school when during lunch they met for the first time. Since that day there has been a sort of sourness between Bella and them. To me she proved to be a very loyal and trustworthy friend, but when it came to them her bitterness was very evident. And not to mention the cat and mouse fight with Tristan every time.

"Yohoo anybody home" she waves her hand frantically in front of my face and breaks me from my flashback trip.

"Just can't help it" I shrug back in reply without elaborating much. I didn't have it in me to explain yet why this mattered so much to me.

"Don't worry. We will kill it" she bumps my shoulder and takes her seat, sending a small smile to her father sitting in the front row.

A new pang of sadness hits me, as I realize there was no one to support me in the audience. Everyone had one or more family members or friends here to support them.

Again I was able to build a whole tale of lies for Bella about why my family couldn't be here, if only I could make it a reality, it would get better for my heart too.


"We won!" Bella screams while hugging me.

What an excellent friend! Turning her friend deaf and squeezing to death, my subconscious taunts.

"Well with you here we were definitely a strong team" I add while trying to detangle myself from her death grip. And it was the truth as well. She definitely made the team stronger, actually carrying her weight rather unlike how it had been in the past.

A lot of things are changing.

"Let me click your picture with the scoreboard so you can send it to your parents" Bella's dad suggested and my mood pummeled.

I guess not everything changes.

To avoid any further questions, I comply. But the moment we all disperse the dark thoughts make a hard comeback.

Since we all came directly from our homes for the competition, I went back to my car by myself. Bella did invite me for her celebration ritual with her dad but I didn't want to.

Back in the car, I could help but keep staring at the picture Bella's dad had clicked for me.

Maybe this year things will be different, I think to myself and upload the picture on my Instagram story with a victory gif.


"Who was I kidding! Myself I guess.." I trail off in my thoughts as I look through the barrage of congratulations messages and calls but none from my parents. Unable to stop myself, to see what they were doing that was so important that they couldn't even take time to send a message, I went to my younger sister's Instagram page. I see each milestone, each little achievement documented and celebrated, family dinner, picnics and outings, all showing a happy completed family. Did my parents even remember they had another daughter?

Adopted parents you mean? My subconscious taunts back, as my vision gets blurry.

"Yeah Yeah, another reminder that I am not wanted.." I mumble, answering to myself, and a tear manages to slip out. No matter how much I try, these feelings don't go away...

Actually they do, when you are with the Super Seven...

Not wasting another minute, I went to the group text to see what the plans were for the evening, after all it was the start of the weekend, and for once I would be happy to go wherever.

Except it had been surprisingly quiet.

"That's weird" I thought to myself and decided to go back to Insta. Whatever or wherever she might be Violet never fails to upload her story.

"Yeah, she is at..." My thoughts halt after looking at the story. She was at a party. How could I have forgotten the back to school party that always took place after the first month of the school was done.

Well obviously you forgot, you never like these things, my subconscious answers back.

Actually it seemed like everyone was at this party except Hope. I don't think she would be going anytime soon after what happened last time. That would be a discussion for another day.

But right now, that sinking feeling is back.

It's not like you like going to parties, my subconscious taunts back.

"No I don't, I also don't like a tonne of things but that has never stopped Violet or them from inviting me at least" I screamed back to the emptiness that surrounded me and now inside me. It wasn't just despair I felt, I felt annoyed, frustrated and angry. All of it building up to just 1 question - Why always me?

But this was the new Tyra. Old Tyra would have cried her eyes out. Well new Tyra would too, but only after she's been to this party.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note - And I am back! Loving Me hit 1k reads!

Honestly recently haven't been much motivated to write, but few really awesome users have voted and left nice comments which really encouraged me continue updating. So going forward I am going to dedicate a chapter to each of these users <3.

Do comment, vote and share!

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