Chapter 8

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Tyra's POV


A pillow very promptly smashes on my face, making me almost stumble back.

"What the hell Violet?" I ask in an annoyed voice as I make myself comfortable again on her bed as currently me and Hope were over for a sleepover at Violet's House.

"Well what the hell were you thinking, drinking a bottle of Vodka yesterday?" Violet huffs back at me with concern in eyes which were stark contrast to the annoyance on her face.

"We already went over this didn't we, I wasn't thinking" I try to defend myself.

"What is done, tell me how it tastes?" Hope excitedly asks me. She was even more surprised than the rest to hear that last night's drinking was at my own accord and no evil plan of Veronica's, which kind of miffed Violet a little more than anything else.

"Rough?" I weakly provide, not wanting to incur the wrath of the older brother Austen making alcohol seem something enticing to his younger sister.

He was an extra bit annoyed at your careless drinking too, my subconscious slyly supplies.

Annoyed as in having to take care of me or annoyed as he cared...

"I don't get why everyone is mad at you tho? They all have been mad drunk at some point." Hope voices her thoughts which break me from my chain of thinking.

Another smack of a pillow is heard but this time it's Hope's face. Yay! Not me!

"You do not get mad drunk without having someone to look after you, hell we didn't even know you were going to be at the party, what if.." Violet continues her rant while I zone her out.

Obviously you didn't know, you didn't even invite me, I think snarkily.

"Tyra, we didn't do that on purpose you know that right?" Violet's replies.

"Did I say it out loud?" I ask Hope and she sheepishly nods her head. I look over at Violet and see disappointment on her face.

With quivering lips, I speak out the words running through my mind this past month, "Well it did seem like that, plus ever since the school has started it seems like you have distanced too..." I stop being unable to continue as I lay the most vulnerable truth.

I try to turn away to hide away, my instinct response, but Violet stops me and pulls me in a hug.

" I am so sorry" Violet sniffles, causing worry to flare up within me. Were my doubts turning into reality?

"I won't deny, I have been distant," she pauses and my heart skips a beat. Ouch.

The hurt must be evident on my face as she hurriedly continues, "It's not what you are thinking Tyra, it was me not you." She tries to salvage the situation but my internal negative thoughts have taken over.

Break up speech?, my subconscious chips in.

Unknown to my internal turmoil, Violet continues, " Ever since Annabella and you became friends, I just felt not enough." she concludes and finally looks at me.

The queen bee of Everthrone was feeling insecure?

My face must show evidence of my confusion as she further continues, "I have never had a meaningful friendship with another girl, it had always been girls trying to befriend me to get to the guys," my eyes inadvertently flick to Hope and she too seemed at loss at word. Seeing both of them turn blurry makes me realize that my eyes are watering too.

"Not that the friendship with the guys was anything less or not enough, except being friends with you felt complete and a whole new level of different. And with Annabella in the scene, who was so much like you, made me feel like I was gonna lose you" she adds on.

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