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Tristan's POV

Blood. Too much blood.

That's the only thing I notice of Austen when I find him at the hospital, sitting hunched in the plastic seat with his head in his hands. He was frantic on the call and I couldn't make sense except to be at the hospital. Looking at him now, I really hope it's not his blood.

Last I remember, post school he was in a hurry to go somewhere and mumbling about needing to apologize to someone. I would have asked for further details but him voluntarily going to apologize had stunned me. Between rushing to apologize and this blood soaked clothes, I have no clue what to expect.

He notices me as soon as I reach near and when he lifts his head to look at me, I notice the tear streaked face and unknown dread sets me in my stomach.

While I wished the blood wasn't his, I think what I should have wished the blood shouldn't be of anyone I know.

Despite being more collected than he was on the call, Austen had difficulty explaining what happened without flinching as if relieving every bit of it. I pull him into a hug, to try and offer my support as he explains what happened.

"Found a site of accident.. Too Much blood.. Emergency surgery..."

"Who was in the accident?" I ask with dread now creeping into my voice.

"Family of Tyra Stones," I hear someone call out and all the air leaves my body. I look back at Austen, not ready to believe what I heard, but his slight nod of head says it all.

Tyra, she was the one in the accident, it was her blood on Austen. Too much blood. I hear Austen speak something to the nurse but it's all mixed to a buzzing in my head. The wetness on my cheeks is what pulls me out of my inner turmoil.

"The patient has lost a lot of blood and needs immediate transfusion. Her blood type is rare and even the blood bank has insufficient supply at the moment. Hence we need family members to be tested for blood donation," the nurse explains to Austen and then rushes away. A curse escapes Austen's mouth as he starts an anxious pace in the lobby, surprisingly an empty lobby.

"Where is her family anyways?" I ask Austen observing the almost empty lobby.

"That's for later, we need to focus on getting her blood for transfusion," Austen says in a firm voice and for the time since I came to hospital I see clarity in his eyes, he had a mission to finish.

While Austen goes to get hold of the doctor to get more information, I take the task to call our friends to the hospital as we don't know who might match. I even go to look for Dr. Watson, an old friend of my dad, hoping he can help us too.

".. is rare, O negative," I hear as I knock on his door to enter. To my surprise, he is speaking with Austen. So apparently he is in charge of Tyra's case, a small world.

Wait! Did he say O negative?

"I am O negative, I can donate blood," I speak up immediately as I enter. I see Dr. Watson's face go from surprise to recognition. He greets me and asks me to take a seat but I am too worried to sit down.

"While you are indeed of the same blood type, you are a minor and would require your parent's consent to donate," he explains as his lack of action at my submission.

I immediately reach for my phone and call my father. Given the emergency of the situation, he accepts the verbal consent and we go down to the room for blood donation. Dad also agrees to come down to donate since he is of the same blood type.

Despite being the same blood type, they need to run some preliminary tests and while that's happening, Dr. Watson lines out the side effects of blood donation. I see Austen clench his jaw and curl his fingers into a tight fist.

I understood the dilemma he was facing, me putting my life at potential risk for someone we had known for less than a year but she wasn't just anyone any more. We might have known her for less time but she had become someone very important to all of us. I give him a slight nod in understanding, and I see his shoulders sag in relief.

By the time I am done, the rest of our friends arrive as well with my parents. Dad gets in line to donate blood next, while Mom sets up some food for all of us, but none of us are in mood for that as we wait anxiously for more updates on Tyra.

The dread kept clawing me from inside and I could feel the feeling of helplessness setting me. Violet and Angel have not stopped crying since they arrived. I know even the Twins and Ryan are just holding back to not break down and provide support.

It's only a few hours later that the Stones family arrive. I found it very concerning that they weren't here earlier, hell they didn't even look concerned until they saw us and put on fake expressions but it was too late, I had seen it all. The way anger sparked in Austen eyes at their arrival was enough for me to validate my doubts.

While we were busy with the Stone family's arrival, I saw Dr. Watson talked very animatedly to my parents. I go towards them and see Mom's face filled with anguish and even Dad's face full of grief.

"What's happening?" I ask, my heart thundering loudly, unable to take any more bad news.

"Tyra is your twin sister." Dr. Watson replies.

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